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LG shared its perspectives on the future of the HVAC industry

industria HVAC

International. The LG company shared its perspectives on the future of the HVAC industry, where it characterized some relevant points, such as the increase in SEER minimum ratings, natural refrigerants and smart HVAC.

According to LG this rest of 2023 we will see an HVAC industry characterized by a boom in construction projects will generate growth possibilities in the HVAC industry; in which as governments around the world continue to implement regulations for greener HVAC solutions, consumers will seek more efficient HVAC systems; characterized by the fact that the energy crisis in Europe and technological advances will promote the implementation of intelligent HVAC systems with AI applications; where concerns about new COVID-19 variants will drive more effective air purification functionality.

For LG the construction sector contributes to a large part of the global economy and rapid urbanization is one of the key reasons why this industry is constantly growing. According to a new report, the size of the global construction market is projected to grow at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 5.3% between 2022 and 2027.

You might be wondering what this means for the HVAC industry; A new report forecasting CAGR growth of 5.1% for the HVAC industry between 2022 and 2027 has attributed this growth to the expansion of the construction sector as one of the main factors. Simply put, the growth of the construction industry will prove to be a boom for the growth of the HVAC sector. A boom in the industry will result in a demand for HVAC professionals.

- Publicidad -

Changing for a cleaner future
New energy regulations created by the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) went into effect this year. The DoE has increased the minimum SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) ratings for air conditioners and heat pumps. The minimum SEER rating for HVAC systems will increase from 13.0 to 14.0 in the North, while for Southern regions, the SEER rating will increase from 14.0 to 15.0. SEER ratings have been revised to reduce impact on the environment and reduce energy demand. This step will not only benefit the environment, but also economically benefit home and business owners by increasing energy savings.

Greener refrigerants
The change in SEER ratings also causes a shift to high-efficiency, low-GWP (global warming potential) refrigerants. A good number of HFCF (hydrochlorofluorocarbon) and HFC (hydrofluorocarbon) refrigerants with high GWP have been phased out in recent years. In an attempt to minimize the use of refrigerants with high global warming potential, the use of HFC refrigerants such as R134a, R410A, and R407C will be banned in the U.S. from January 1, 2024 4.

Instead, greener options such as R290 or R-454b will be available for manufacturers looking for clean energy alternatives. For those of you who are not familiar with R290 refrigerant, it is a new refrigerant with a negligible ozone depletion factor and is currently used in the LG R1 compressor.

Smart HVAC for Better Indoor Environments
Smart HVAC solutions, such as smart thermostats, can be remotely connected to your smartphones, laptops or tablets and allow you to control and monitor temperatures from the comfort of anywhere. Not only does this save energy, but it also ensures that you don't end up spending a fortune on your energy bills. With smart thermostats, you don't have to worry about forgetting to turn your heat or air conditioning on or off.

Now, these systems do much more than just a remote control, they have motion sensors that detect your presence, learn your routine, and adjust heating and cooling accordingly, saving you energy and money. Some thermostats also keep you up to date with your consumption and energy costs. All in all, these smart devices are worth the investment and pay for themselves in the long run.

A future without ducts?
Ductless systems are becoming the future of HVAC. They are easier to repair and install. In addition, ductless VRF units, for example, are compact, good for various spaces, quiet, energy efficient, have fewer breakdowns, and can heat and cool simultaneously. VRF systems are also more efficient when it comes to constantly filtering, replacing, and purifying the air in buildings. But how important is indoor air quality in 2023? That's a topic of discussion in the next section.

COVID-19: Putting the 'V' in HVAC
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, air purification has become a prominent selling point for HVAC systems. We are being hit by waves of new strains of COVID-19, making air purification an inevitable necessity. The global air purification market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8.1% from 2022 to 2030 driven by the convergent evolution of COVID-19. Needless to say, considering the current challenges of the pandemic and air pollution, systems that heat and cool, and also purify the air, will not only be viable options but also more sustainable in the future. Expect to see an increase in air purification applications this year.

- Publicidad -

Finally, for LG, after discussing some future trends in the HVAC industry for 2023, he assures that "the future looks promising and the changes to come will improve our lives in general. The outlook is positive and so is LG's commitment to providing you with the best HVAC systems."

Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Author: Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Periodista con amplia experiencia en corrección de estilo y generación de contenidos de valor para el sector especializado - [email protected]

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