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Stulz reveals plans for Mexico and Latin America

StulzMexico. Stulz announced the technological trends for the second half of 2021, among which hybrid cooling solutions stand out, greater demand for solutions for Data Centers in the Industry 4.0 and construction sectors; and digital platforms for channel training and certification.

According to Emigdio Granillo, Sales Director of Stulz Mexico, the company had a 6% growth in turnover during the first half of 2021 compared to the previous year. Shelter solutions that demanded WallAir equipment had the highest growth of the year at 18%, followed by Cyberow High Density Solutions with a positive development of 12%.

"We have observed the economic reactivation of the country and the increase in the digital transformation of companies in this first half of the year. For example, during this period we achieved 55% of cooling requests for data centers from the telecommunications sector; 25% of the automotive sector, which began to emerge since the end of 2020 and has remained in constant growth; and 12% of the retail sector. These are the main sectors that demand Stulz solutions. This represents a constant development of the industry and a stable economic environment for the sector," says Granillo.

According to Select data, by 2021 public cloud budgets will reach the $1 billion milestone with annual growth of 31%, while the budget for data center services will reach $380 million at an annual rate of 9%, representing a steady pace of growth with respect to demand for information processing and storage solutions globally.

- Publicidad -

With regard to the trends of the precision air conditioning market, the sales director points out the appearance in Latin America of solutions such as hybrid cooling that combines the traditional system and a liquid one, the latter is able to directly remove heat from the server's CPU. Among the benefits of this system are:

- Increase in the average cooling capacity of up to 20 times, which achieves up to 80kw of thermal load per cabinet.

- Improvement in energy management, considerably reducing the use of electricity in data centers, specifically in the consumption of precision air conditioners.

- Reduction of gas generation and carbon footprint.

- Optimization and use of space in Data Centers: With a reduction of 10 to 1 in the space occupied by precision air conditioner equipment.

Aligned with the country's digital transformation, trends and the stability of the sector's development, Stulz will launch a new portal exclusively for its partners in Mexico. In it, all Stulz partners will have a means to obtain technical information about Stulz products, business trends and training among many other benefits.

In addition, the platform will allow its members the faculty to register certification courses online, obtain reports, check list for equipment tuning, download presentations, brochures and manuals.

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The platform grants various benefits to the members of the channel, among which Emigdio highlights the ease of finding information, the visualization of trainings and trainings and the personalized contact of Stulz to solve doubts and clarifications corresponding to the topics covered in the platform.

"With the opening of the platform, the brand expects to have an increase of 10% to 15% of channel registration with Stulz; in addition, it is expected to bring the information closer to the channel, "says Emigdio in this regard.

Due to the good development of the industry in this first quarter of the year, the company specialized in precision air conditioning systems expects to end the year with a marketshare of 34%. In addition to opening up new sectors such as Industry 4.0 and the construction sector, in which it intends to have a 16% stake by the end of 2021.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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