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Frascold reveals its plans and projects in environmental management


International. Frascold announced the integration of an Environmental Management System that extends along the entire value chain with which they intend to improve their processes and products to reduce their ecological footprint.

This system has a systematic and preventive approach, based on the definition of specific business guidelines, on the planning of activities and the measurement of performance, respecting ESG criteria and the territory in which Frascold operates.

"Sustainability is a fundamental and strategic asset for Frascold. Incorporating environmental governance into one's own quality management system means actively pursuing 360° responsible integral development with a long-term perspective." Giuseppe Galli, CEO of Frascold, continues, "Frascold focuses its attention on the entire lifecycle of solutions, from design and production to marketing and distribution, for the benefit of the entire supply chain. On the one hand, the continuous investment in R+D has allowed us to make innovative natural refrigerant compressors, placing the company at the forefront of international climate and energy objectives. On the other hand, Frascold supports various initiatives aimed at the efficiency of the plant and the well-being of its people."

Specifically, Frascold, at its headquarters in the province of Milan, promotes the adoption of technological processes that combine superior performance with a lower carbon footprint. Among them, the optimization of the production chain according to the principles of Lean Manufacturing is distinguished, to maximize flow efficiency and reduce waste. Starting with the assembly department, Frascold aims to standardize operational activities by associating the production of each compressor family to a specific line. An optimal organization, carried out through a space studied so that all materials are easy to find and locate. Improvements that not only simplify the work of operators through ergonomically correct workstations, but also translate into benefits in terms of performance, efficiency and safety.

- Publicidad -

Visual management techniques are also applied in the production and warehouse areas, where specific containers have been introduced that, once their contents are exhausted, are returned to the supplier for replenishment, thus reducing the use of cardboard and plastic. A choice under the banner of the principles of the circular economy combined with a lower use of natural resources, achieved thanks to the installation of a distiller to recover the washing water used in the facilities, in favor of an estimated annual saving of 300m3 of water, equivalent to 300,000 liters.

In addition, Frascold's Environmental Management System takes the form of a superior approach to routine preventive maintenance. An example of this is the new chiller with ecological refrigerant used to operate calorimeters and test benches, with Frascold compressors with ATEX certification of the Magnetic series, with a cooling capacity of 350 kW, for an energy saving of +20% compared to a conventional model. In addition, the constant control of the solution allows to monitor the absorption and the global consumption, essential information for the technical department that analyzes the resistance.

Energy resources
In 2022, the company built a photovoltaic system with a total of 3,500 panels that, a year later, has generated quantifiable benefits: a reduction of 600 tons of CO2, a production of clean and renewable electricity of 1.5 GWh, an average self-consumption 80% higher and a coverage of 30% of the total annual demand. Concrete proof of Frascold's interest in contributing to the energy transition is also the project planned for the coming months: the introduction of a new heat pump, with natural fluid and Frascold compressors, aimed at heating and cooling the office building.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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