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CTIC Building obtained LEED Healthcare Gold certification

Edificio del CTIC

Colombia. The Hospital of the Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo Cancer Treatment and Research Center (CTIC) obtained the Leed Healthcare certification in the Gold category, which makes it a Colombian benchmark for similar buildings, in terms of sustainability and comfort.

According to Green Loop, a sustainable architectural design company, this certificate demonstrates "our company's commitment to Green Construction and the health of thousands of Colombians."

Vista interior del CTIC Hospital

Similarly, in a LinkedIn post where they spread the news and gave other data of the project, they thanked the entire work team and others who made the work possible, such as Construcciones Planificas S.A, "for believing that we can build a better world".

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CTIC Highlights
However, from the verified score scale to receive certification, the CTIC obtained all the values in the categories of "regional priority credits", as well as in "innovation". Next, it obtained a 14/18 score in "sustainable sites".

Another relevant value is in the category of "Indoor air quality", where it met the standards of design and verification of thermal comfort, control of sources of pollutants and indoor chemicals.

In addition, the subcategory of "optimization of energy performance" ( EAc1) obtained a remarkable score, achieving 14 out of 24 possible points.

CTIC Hospital exterior

Builders' pride and savings
For its part, the company Construcciones Planificas S.A, in charge of executing the project, published on its LinkedIn profile that this is news that fills them with pride, "the first project in Colombia to achieve this level thanks to its sustainability attributes".

Of which he highlighted, its energy saving capacity of 28% and drinking water demand of 44%, compared to buildings of the same category and similar projects with baseline determined by the EPA (Environmental Protection Act), respectively.

Likewise, the company stressed that this work "diversion from the landfill of approximately 90% of the waste product of the construction" and that it has green areas and outdoor areas distributed at different levels.

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More recognitions
Finally, this building that is already listed as emblematic for the country, also received during the last days of November two awards, within the framework of the celebration of the Real Estate Excellence Awards 2022, of the International Federation of Real Estate Professions (FIABCI) chapter of Colombia. Taking the recognition as winner in the category of Special Properties and "Big Winner" as project of the Year.

This means that "it will be able to represent Colombia in the world prize that has as its main headquarters Paris (France) in 2023". As shared by Fiabci Colombia in its networks.

Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Author: Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Periodista con amplia experiencia en corrección de estilo y generación de contenidos de valor para el sector especializado - [email protected]

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