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Daikin and INCmty call on entrepreneurs to present projects that transform the HVAC industry


Mexico. Daikin and the INCmty entrepreneurship community, supported by Tecnológico de Monterrey, come together to create an entrepreneurial challenge that meets the needs of the HVAC industry: INCmty Disruptair Challenge 2022.

"Daikin's commitment to innovation is part of our DNA, we partner with universities, labs and industries around the world to make entrepreneurs' visions a reality. Tec de Monterrey is the best partner for innovation, Tec's vision is to train the most innovative cadres and Daikin's vision is to continue adding value through the air. Together we create new value," said Shigeki Hagiwara, Senior Associate Officer, President of Daikin Latin America Operations.

Participants will be able to be part of this initiative that adds value to the HVAC industry in Latin America, through one of three verticals:
- Democratization of the HVAC industry and air culture.
- Sustainability for the HVAC industry.
- Improvement solutions for the value chain.

Who can participate?
The call for projects will be held from June 7 to August 31, 2022 and is aimed at:
- Initiatives in stages Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and startups in pre seed & seed stages.
- People with valid citizenship in a Latin American country.
- Be of legal age in the country of residence or be at least 18 years old (either case).
- Have an educational level of technical training onwards (bachelor's or bachelor's degree, master's or master's degree, specialty or doctorate).
- Have the legal power to travel in and out of the country of residence. (Essential element in case of being a finalist).

- Publicidad -

Benefits of participating in the INCmty Disruptair Challenge
"The entrepreneurial ecosystem must look at the HVAC industry, in it there are great opportunities for innovation. Through the INCmty Disruptair Challenge, entrepreneurs will be able to take their initiatives to the next level with leading institutions such as Tecnológico de Monterrey and Daikin. They will be accompanied in different stages of the challenge by mentors of the highest level and will be able to earn up to 150,000 pesos and a business trip to Japan", Pablo Rosas, Business Development Lead of INCmty

Learn about the benefits of participating in the INCmty Disruptair Challenge 2022:
- Specialized and high-value content on topics of entrepreneurship and technological development.
- Access to high-level mentors.
- Access to one of the strongest entrepreneurial communities in Latin America.
- Connection with peer profiles in Latin America.
- The satisfaction of participating and laying the foundations to transform an industry towards the next 25 years.

What's in it for the winners?
For the first edition of the INCmty Disruptair Challenge 2022, of the five semifinalist teams/projects, the jury will select three winning initiatives, one will be awarded a trip to Japan, and three to an acceleration program for its venture and a cash amount between $50,000 and $150,000 (Mexican pesos).

INCmty is a platform for entrepreneurs from Mexico and Latin America supported by Tecnológico de Monterrey. On November 15 to 17, the tenth edition of the festival will be held in person in the city of Monterrey. For more information at:
For consultation of bases and more information:

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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