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Keyter made different launches during the Climatización & Refrigeración fair

Keyter realizó diferentes lanzamientos durante la feria Climatización & Refrigeración

Spain. At the last C&R fair of Ifema Madrid, Keyter presented a wide range of products with the aim of contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions and the decarbonization of sectors ranging from centralized residential air conditioning to commercial and industrial applications.

In this segment, the brand revealed its nordIK range air condensed heat pumps developed to serve high-temperature water supply even in cold climates. This complete range of ARGIA high temperature heat pumps for mild climates that reach drive temperatures up to 70ºC.

Additionally, Keyter presented the range of MEDEA MAXIMA water condensed equipment with the capacity to supply hot water up to 78ºC. It highlights the very high efficiency in the production of hot water, with a very small footprint, easy and safe installation indoors and low sound level.
Keyter presents an innovative and versatile range of chillers and high-temperature water production units based on innovative Danfoss scroll compressors for working with R1234ze refrigerant.

This new HELVETIA range that will be available during the year 2022 focuses its design on being able to provide a reliable and robust solution accelerating the transition of refrigerants with low GWP.

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Additionally in the search for sustainable and renewable solutions Keyter has developed an intelligent energy management system for the integration of heat pumps with photovoltaic installations that will also be present in this edition with the multipurpose heat pump with Full INVERTER technology that completes the QUATRO K4 range

Another novelty where Keyter has a very important focus is on solutions for air conditioning and dehumidification of swimming pools. In this case to complete the range of OCEAN Dehumidifiers, a POOL range of high-performance heat pump for pool water heating is presented.

Regarding novelties in terms of compact equipment solutions, Keyter presents its Rooftop ranges introducing the new PERSEA EVO range with the multi-cooling platform compatible with R-454B as an alternative to R410A and Inverter compressors to achieve maximum energy efficiency exceeding the levels set by the ErP2021. This range optimizes the interior flow ratio per kW of power and is compatible with 50mm M0 sandwich panel of rock wool, resulting in a robust range of very high performance and maximum flexibility in its energy recovery and indoor air quality configurations.

Completes the proposal of solutions to improve ventilation and energy recovery with the VERSIA range of compact heat pump units all outdoor air with Full INVERTER technology that allows to extract and recover the heat from the air of the installation with a heat pump circuit and introduce new outdoor air, treated and filtered reducing the consumption of ventilation energy to very high values, increasing the energy efficiency of the installation.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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