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Fieldpiece Launches New Training Platform

Fieldpiece lanza nueva plataforma de capacitación

International. Fieldpiece Instruments announced the launch of Fieldpiece University, a new online training platform dedicated to providing application-based training for HVACR field professionals, distributors, and sales representatives to help them make their jobs easier, faster, and better.

Designed to be the go-to resource for HVACR, Fieldpiece University has two modules: a channel to help HVACR distributors, sales representatives, and counter-representatives find HVACR technicians with the right tools for the job; and another to provide technicians in the field with technical training to become masters of the trade with the latest best practices, industry knowledge, tips and tools to work smarter, not harder.

"Every day, we talk to HVACR professionals about how we can make their lives easier in the field," says Tony Gonzalez, technical training manager at Fieldpiece Instruments. "These conversations encouraged us to develop a new online training tool that anyone can use to improve their skills, whether they are behind the sales desk talking to a contractor about a vacuum pump, or working in the field and need to know the right way to use a standalone vacuum meter while performing a system evacuation."

Fieldpiece University's platform was built in partnership with BlueVolt, a company that specializes in learning management system (LMS) tools used by more than 5,000 companies to educate professionals from a variety of industries. With interactive training modules, useful video content, and value-added resources with quizzes and assessments to cement new learning, the platform also offers technicians the opportunity to earn continuing education (CE) credits for selected courses.

The distributor module helps wholesalers and distributors better understand what field professionals are looking for in their tools and offers insights to help a more knowledgeable sales staff better connect customers with the right tools for the job.

Fieldpiece University's field technician module offers training on specific products, techniques, and applications, as well as countless ways to expand HVACR industry knowledge and perspective to stay ahead of the curve. CE credit offerings ensure that field professionals keep up with new technologies, laws and regulations.

Fieldpiece University can be accessed from home on a desk or while on a break from work via a mobile device, making the program convenient anytime, anywhere. The platform offers a wide range of learning modules today, and new content is expected to be added monthly to respond to industry demands and help keep industry professionals at the top of their game in the long run. In-person trainings are also available through a special request.

Learn more at

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

2 thoughts on “Fieldpiece Launches New Training Platform”

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  1. Noven García C.
    Monday, 18 October 2021 09:06
    Soy electromecánico y me parece muy buena oportunidad de conocer más y aprender sobre estos sistemas. Me ha llamado la atención y quiero aprovechar esta gran opcion
  2. Ronal Edgardo López Ramos
    Tuesday, 12 October 2021 18:18
    Exelente oportunidad paratener mas conocimiento

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