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Meet the winners of the Construverde 2021 Sustainable Project

Proyecto Sostenible Construverde 2021

Colombia. The Colombian Council of Sustainable Construction gave recognition to projects that have high standards of sustainability and that are also backed by LEED and CASA Colombia certification.

Within the framework of the annual Construverde 2021 event, which took place on September 1, 2 and 3, 18 outstanding projects participated that were recognized by more than 10,000 visitors to our online platform. These projects are found throughout the national territory, in the departments of Atlántico, Antioquia, Cundinamarca, Huila and Valle del Cauca, and in very varied typologies, from an airport and an aeronautical center, residential buildings, university buildings, commercial and warehouses, corporate buildings and even a community, thus demonstrating the great application that these certification systems have in Colombia and the great commitment of the actors of the value chain towards sustainability.

All the participating projects stood out for their energy efficiency, for the reduction in water consumption, for the selection of their materials, for the strategies to minimize the impacts on the environment and seek to guarantee healthy spaces for people and communities.

Winners of the Audience Award for the Sustainable Project Construverde 2021
There were 5851 votes received through the T-lab platform with a calculation made like this: each first place vote valid for 3 points, each vote for 2nd place valid for 2 points and each vote for 3rd place valid for 1 point.

- Publicidad -

First place (6257 points)
● EAN Legacy, EAN University.
The building is located in the city of Bogotá, Colombia, and obtained the LEED Certification of Design and Construction of New Buildings in May 2021, at Gold level under version 3. The project has laboratory spaces, classrooms, offices, auditorium, study rooms designed for students of EAN University.

Second place (3755 points)
● El Dorado Airport, operated by OPAIN.
The project is located in Bogotá, and is the first air transport terminal in the world to achieve LEED certification version 4.1 Operation and maintenance at the Platinum level and the first in Latin America in all versions. It has a correct operation and maintenance of technical and innovative systems as well as a system of solar panels for the generation of renewable energy on site.

Third place (3177 points)
● Merkaorgánico, by Merkaorgánico Natural S.A.S.
The project is a gastronomic market that is located in Medellín, in the El Tesoro Commercial Park, strategically located in an urban area of the city that has access to public transport routes and basic services at short distances. The project has significant savings in energy and water consumption. Certified in February 2021 with LEED Version 4 Commercial Interior Design and Construction in Gold Level

One of the fundamental pillars of EAN University is sustainability, so the project sought LEED certification and through the Cradle to Cradle philosophy sought to maximize the quality and implementation of the circular economy, contributing to the health and well-being of the occupants and promoting the productivity of spaces and the environment.

Buildings that demonstrate that it is possible to rethink designs, engage with cities, build in a way that mitigates environmental impacts and contribute to sustainable development from the built environment for everyone and everywhere.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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