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Serena del Mar Thermal District receives recognition from the UN

Distrito Térmico Serena del MarColombia. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), a UN body, made a call in November last year to learn about the "Thermal Districts as an energy solution in the post-pandemic era" in Colombia.

Celsia faced with this call and through the CNC company, created for the development of the infrastructure of Serena del Mar, presented a solution to reduce the impact of the crisis by taking advantage of the capacity available in its Thermal District to connect altana, a residential building. In this way, they managed to take advantage of the capacity available in their system to replace the use of traditional air conditioning equipment by connecting to the centralized thermal energy system of Serena del Mar (Thermal District).

CNC company recognition
"Thanks to this proposal we start 2021 with excellent news, the UN recognizes the importance of our project and will contribute to the development of the infrastructure of the Thermal District of Celsia in Serena del Mar," the company said in a statement.

This project will enter an execution stage that goes from 2021 to 2022 and the apartments will begin to connect with the services of the district from 2022 to 2023.

- Publicidad -

In this way we revolutionize Serena del Mar to evolve its infrastructure and thus benefit its environment, while taking advantage of the production capacity installed in the customers connected to the thermal district and on the other hand, this action supports the energy saving work that we must promote to counteract the environmental impact that we produce due to our consumption habits.

Benefits that the inhabitants of Altana will have thanks to the connection with the thermal district of Celsia:
Environmental sustainability
- Being part of a Thermal District means that all air conditioning systems work without condensers on terraces or balconies of the apartments.

- The entire installation has a pipe that carries thermal energy (ice water) for cooling directly to the air conditioning equipment.

- By connecting the Altana project to the Thermal District, a reduction of 3,090 pounds of refrigerant use is achieved, equivalent to an 89% reduction in the corresponding CO22 emissions, that is, approximately 3,096 Tons of CO2 will no longer be emitted.

Energy saving
- In general terms, the Thermal District allows an effective reduction in energy consumption of approximately 1,215,637 kWh per year, equivalent to 30.7% compared to the use of traditional air conditioning systems. For users of the system, this represents savings between 8% to 10%, compared to the energy cost of a conventional system.

- Good news for us and also for the environment, since the carbon footprint we generate in our daily lives is reduced.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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