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Sodeca donates air purifier for geriatric center

SodecaSpain. Sodeca gave an air purifying equipment, AIRDOG, to the Municipal Residence of the Gent Gran de Ribes de Freser (Ripollès, Girona, Catalonia) to collaborate with the air disinfection tasks.

A few days ago it is detected around a quarantine of positive coronavirus in this center of attention to the elderly. Given this fact, Sodeca, donated the equipment received by the staff of the residence and by the mayor of Ribes de Freser, Mónica Santjaume.

The characteristics of the Airdog purifier
The equipment that has been loaned has the functionality of being able to move easily, thanks to its lightness. It has a patented system that eliminates particles harmful to health in a short time and also purifies the air of viruses and bacteria, as is the case of Sars-Cov-2, a severe acute respiratory syndrome that can be fatal especially in this risk group and with previous pathologies.

It also has a simple to operate display to control air quality. In addition, it has a collection plate washable by particles such as spores, fungi and dust, which is put in the dishwasher and can be reused again. Also with an ionizer that removes particles dangerous to health, such as viruses and bacteria. Another advantage is that its operation is compatible with people. Finally, it has a double stage of pre-filters for the first capture of dust and larger particles; and the ability to eliminate odors.

- Publicidad -

Other solidarity actions for well-being
This collaboration is in addition to other solidarity actions that have taken place this year, within the framework of the pandemic. Sodeca has also made available to several municipalities the DISINFECT 500, the industrial disinfectant machine on the market, to clean and disinfect quickly and easily by nebulization. Another solidarity action, in this case, promoted by the members of the R&D department of this international company located in Ripoll, was to cede its 3D printing capacity for a voluntary group of workers to manufacture single-use filters for respirators, masks and goggles.

The importance of purifying indoor air
The virus can be dormant in the air for hours and airborne contagion is one of the big concerns currently. This statement is already evidence after the scientific community has warned of the importance of proper ventilation of enclosed spaces. Unfortunately, during this time of year the weather is an obstacle to successfully renew the air that is breathed in enclosed spaces and achieve optimal indoor air quality.

However, ventilation is not 100% reliable if it is not accompanied by other systems prepared to capture particles, viruses and bacteria that remain in the air and are invisible to the eye. It is for this reason that SODECA has a wide range of air purifier systems that can be adapted to the needs of each space, taking into account not only the dimensions of it, but also the number of people who are concentrated, their activity and age.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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