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Through a seminar, Chigo launched its new VRF line

International. Chigo HVAC held a VRF launch seminar in Oman a few days ago. More than 100 participants attended, including Chigo HVAC Oman agents and distributors, local contractors, and professional consultants.

This launch seminar spoke in detail about the CMV-X + VRF and the CMV-Mini VRF, which left a deep impression on the participants. The launch seminar also indicated that the CMV-X + EVI VRF has been officially introduced to the market.

At the meeting, West Asia Sales Minister Cindy Wu presented Chigo HVAC's corporate profile, market scale, sales performance, R&D strength, production capacity and quality control, and made customers better understand the brand. Then Zack Tang, the manager of the sales support department, gave a professional and detailed explanation of the company's new VRF products.

The company indicated that 2018 was a harvest year of the R&D progress of Chigo HVAC, EVI VRF, Mini VRF and the 7HP soil unit. Each product not only looks stylish, but also has an excellent design and highly competitive quality, performance and cost in the market, and they have won unanimous praise from the customers present. The R&D team will continue to develop new products and technologies that closely follow the development of the industry and are close to market demand.

- Publicidad -

The Full DC Inverter CMV-X + VRF has been updated from the CMV-X series. It uses an EVI compressor to improve its heating efficiency in a low-temperature environment, achieves operation at -30 ° C, at -15 ° C of heating without attenuation, at the same time, the unit can also achieve cooling in a high-temperature environment of 55 ° C, and can be widely used in projects with diverse demands in most countries and regions of the world.

The refrigerant cooling technology effectively improves the stability and reliability of the unit's long-term operation, the built-in automatic refrigerant detection logic to indicate the status of the refrigerant, and can automatically charge the refrigerant by 10V control. The new CMV-Mini VRF adopts a three-dimensional, modern and novel cut design, bionic sheet design, uniform air outlet, greatly improved aerodynamic performance, capacitor thermal performance improved by 20%, and noise is reduced by 5dB.

Chigo further explained that the successful opening of this VRF launch seminar has played a positive role in promoting sales in the Middle East. Not only does it allow distributors to have a deeper understanding of the company's new products and technologies, but it also allows to get valuable market feedback, listening to the voice from the front line of the market, which will provide you with new ideas for product development in the future.

"Chigo HVAC will continue to deepen engineering marketing channels and continue to open up new markets. The sales performance and market share ratio will reach a large research and development capacity, efficient production capacity, strict quality control. Sales performance and market share ratio reach a new level," the statement said.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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