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Carrier-Toshiba VRF System in Florida Hotel Renovation

United States. Most renovations take a year or two to complete. They include many moving parts that must all be aligned in order to move forward. So when the opportunity presented itself to Florida's Director of Engineering Systems Support and VRF Products, Dave Lucas, was understandably skeptical.

The renovation was completed in less than eight months and required the supply of an air conditioning system for a 10-story office building that was being converted into a 190-room hotel. But after gathering all the information, Dave, the CE team, and the general contractor partner in Florida went ahead with the work.

About the Hilton Garden Inn Renovation Project
Jupiter Florida has seen tremendous growth, including recent additions of a new baseball stadium that will be the Astros' spring training home and UTC's Smart Building Center. So when an old office building became available, the developers instantly saw an opportunity to transform it into a hotel. However, the time frame was tight. The project was presented to CE's partner in March and was due to be completed by Thanksgiving. Once opened, the Hilton Garden Inn will be used to house the Astros during spring training, as well as to provide a central base for tourists and visitors to the UTC Center.

The goal: independent controls and efficiency, installed in record time
Being a hotel, the number one priority for the renovation of Hilton Garden Inn was the ability to independently control each room. In addition, the developers wanted a building that was extremely energy efficient to keep overall costs down and, of course, the system had to be able to be installed in the short term.

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The solution: VRF
After reviewing the needs of the renovation, it was decided that Toshiba-Carrier's VRF systems were the answer. However, given the short renovation time, the design and installation of the system was not as simple and dry as would have been preferred. The entire team had to be carefully determined to ensure it arrived on time to meet the tight deadline. In addition, any updates or late revisions to the plan to overcome the equipment shortage were made to use the equipment that was immediately available.

The Results: Comfort and Efficiency
With the deadline fast approaching, the company reported that everything is ahead of schedule. All VRF components were expected to be up and running by the end of October, beating the Thanksgiving deadline by weeks.

"Once open, building owners and hotel occupants will be delighted with the extreme controllability offered by the VRF system, and this Hilton Garden Inn is sure to be an ideal destination for tourists and business travelers. We are proud to be part of their success," the company said in a statement.

Learn more at

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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