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HARDI calls for an industrial consensus policy on HFC reduction at the state level

United States. The International Association of Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Distributors (HARDI) is calling for a renewed effort by industry partners to develop a consensual industry policy for states pursuing the phase-out of HFC refrigerants, while continuing to express concern about a proposal to allow a six-month sales period for units that use HFCs manufactured before the proposed deadline of 2023.

Recently, California passed the California Cooling Act, which directs the California Air Resources Board to develop regulations to reduce the use of HFCs in air conditioning and refrigeration products. Several industry members recently announced their support for certain proposed measures, negotiated by a few manufacturers without the involvement of the HVACR industry at large, to meet the state's HFC emissions reduction target; however, HARDI has refrained from signing until a consensus is reached on a more realistic sale period.

Specifically, the proposal includes the language of a manufacturing ban with a subsequent restrictive period of direct selling that would adversely affect HARDI members at the peak of the sales season. Previous experiences with direct selling periods showed that the concept adds complexity to the distribution process. The simple use of a manufacturing ban is much more effective in ensuring that compliant units are sold to consumers.

"The proposed six-month sales period ending in the middle of summer is unsustainable for our members, suppliers and customers," said HARDI Vice President of Government Affairs Palmer Schoening. "We favor a plan that does not affect the entire distribution channel at the height of the sales season and a process that includes all stakeholders. AHRI has led this consensus-focused version of this plan and we ask the industry to follow suit on this issue."

- Publicidad -

Recent announcements from New York, Connecticut and Maryland to seek similar HFC reductions increase the need for industry-wide consensus on this important issue, as those states are likely to follow California's lead. These additional states add to the urgency of working together to develop a single, industry-wide plan that can be adopted, with the agreement of environmental advocates and consumers, to prevent multiple sets of state regulations that will complicate the distribution of equipment.

"While we would prefer a national approach to reducing the production and use of HFCs, such as that proposed in the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, we recognize California's interest in addressing this HFC emissions reduction issue," said hardi's CEO. Talbot Gee. "HARDI fully supports industry collaboration to ensure all of our suppliers' concerns have been taken into account, and to maximize the time our respective policy teams work together for the industry."

HARDI reiterates its support for all ongoing negotiations to be facilitated exclusively through AHRI, and encourages members of the HVACR industry to join this effort.

"A small collective of distributors also can't negotiate the best policy here," Gee added. "Achieving a broad consensus allows the industry to speak in one voice. If this had been done in this case, we would not have the problems that prevent our support for the current agreement. We must do better in the future if the HVACR industry really wants to make a difference for the environment, our industry and our customers."

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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