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Recommendations for resident engineers in refrigeration projects

International. The resident engineer is responsible for the development of all work activities, complying with the rules established by the SGI, and everything that generates risks for the collaborator and / or client. The Colombian company Industrias Refridcol, shares a series of recommendations for this professional to perform his functions much better. 

In the field of industrial refrigeration, having excellent communication in the development of the project between company and contractor is one of the pillars of the success of a project. 

In addition to having the power of attorney of situations and authority to ensure, quality of materials, execution of work and  times proposed in the planning, the resident engineer must have effective communication skills and solve in the shortest possible time to the inconveniences and unforeseen in the work. 

To the responsibilities of the resident engineer is added to safeguard the documents required during the execution of the work (plans, minutes, guides, etc.)  and thus, ensures that the work has all the permits it requires.

- Publicidad -

Among the functions of a refrigeration project engineer are: 

  • Report to their superiors the facts and / or events to guarantee the delivery of the work in the established times and costs.
  • Validate if the personnel assigned to the development of the project is sufficient.
  • Manage each and every one of the materials and other elements delivered for the execution of the work, in addition to guaranteeing the proper use of resources  (Materials, Equipment for rent, etc.)
  • Guarantee the development of works in coordination with the person in charge of SISO and not authorize any activity that goes against the safety of the collaborators and / or the client
  • Guarantee the complete order, cleanliness and organization of the partial or total project after delivery of the client.
  • Request in a timely manner the tool, PPE and the necessary endowment for the personnel in their charge.
  • Always supervise the quality and fine detail of the assembly and assembly operations according to the scope of each  of the projects under their charge.
  • Generate weekly progress reports and the news that are presented during the development of the work.
  • Coordinate with the immediate superior the start and commissioning of the cooling system. in addition to responding for the optimal operation, operating parameters and physical appearance of the facilities.
  • Coordinate with the immediate superior the formal delivery of the project to the client, guaranteeing; staff training, delivery of manuals, registration of operations, signing of minutes.
Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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