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Duct Cleaning Air Conditioning Systems


According to studies by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air is usually two to five times more polluted than outside, a fact that is certainly worrying since we usually observe too much pollution on the street; caused by dust, smoke from vehicles and industries, among other elements. The accumulation of dust inside the ductwork is subsequently expelled by the grids or diffusers, reaching the users of the building, who breathe this element, which can cause mild discomfort such as a sneeze or serious conditions that impact on the ability to concentrate to perform the activities entrusted; there are even cases in which death from this cause has occurred.

Of the great variety of pollutants that accumulate and are transported through the pipelines, there is no doubt that organic is one of the most powerful against health; since there are frequent respiratory diseases whose duration is prolonged, afflicting practically all the inhabitants of this environment due to their ability to contagion. The most recurrent symptoms presented by the occupants of the property, whose indoor air quality is poor, are:

- Shortness of breath
- Itching
- Headache
- Irritations of the eyes, nose and throat
- Hoarseness
- Skin rashes
- Increased incidence of respiratory infections and colds
- Mental fatigue
- Feeling of dryness in mucous membranes and skin
- Nausea, dizziness and dizziness

Benefits of Duct Cleaning

The advantages of duct cleaning can be classified into the following three areas:


Improve the quality of the air you breathe, thus contributing to better health and reducing symptoms of allergies, sinusitis, flu among customers and employees, obtaining greater performance at work and less absenteeism. Greater comfort for employees and customers.


Reduce cleaning, painting and repair frequencies of office equipment, since kilos of dust are removed from the ducts, the same that stains walls, ceilings, carpets, dirties and deteriorates furniture and also damages computer systems.

Reduction of electricity costs, due to the fact that according to studies 1/16" of dust layer in the ducts, can reduce between 10% and 20% the efficiency of cooling and heating, thus increasing energy savings. Longer duration of air conditioning equipment.


Reduction of the frequency of breakdowns of office and computer equipment.

Procedure for cleaning and disinfecting air conditioning ducts

The execution of the cleaning of the air conditioning ducts is based on the technology and procedures where ESTERICIDE® Qx is applied, as a high-level disinfectant for optimal maintenance of ducts in casinos, offices, hospitals and anywhere that has air conduction systems. Same that is recommended, at least once a month.

Stage 1

Sistemas de Aire Acondicionado Limpieza de Conductos

The area where you are going to work is protected. These areas are protected by a plastic cover, to ensure that the area is not contaminated.
It is important to carry out the sampling or test of bacterial count, fungi and yeasts, with the aim of providing a measure of the degree of biological contamination within the ducts. All this prior to mechanical washing.

Before the entry of the cleaning equipment, registrations are made in the main ducts, allowing the brush and the negative pressure machine (vacuum cleaner with special filters for bacteria) to work more efficiently and suck the dust that is removing the electric brush.

In order to work efficiently and remove dirt in a log section, the duct is blocked with foam rubber so that no more dust from other areas of the ducts that will be cleaned later.

Stage 2.

Systematic removal of contaminant accumulation and nebulization with ESTERICIDE® Qx in the ducts to lower the microbial load.
In this phase, automatic rotary brushes with adjustable bristles are used to remove sediments and contaminants lodged in the duct.
While the brush is stirring in parallel, the waste and contaminants are extracted through a vacuum cleaner composed of three filters with the intention of ensuring high efficiency.
in the removal of dirt.

Sistemas de Aire Acondicionado Limpieza de Conductos

Stage 3.

An exhaustive washing of all air units is carried out, where the pool, grids, turbines, coil, trays are cleaned; applying ESTERICLEAN® Soap Solution* to achieve a deep cleaning.

Sistemas de Aire Acondicionado Limpieza de Conductos

Stage 4.
Volume controls and air diffusers are removed from the outlets of the duct system for cleaning, which is done using degreaser and high pressure water ending with nebulization with ESTERICIDE® Qx high-level disinfectant.

Sistemas de Aire Acondicionado Limpieza de Conductos

Stage 5.
When the excess dust and contaminants have already been removed, the final application of ESTERICIDE® Qx is carried out, for the final eradication of pathogens and achieve total disinfection and in case there is a remnant of dust that still exists in the pipeline. In this ESTERICIDE® Qx is fixed in the rest of the dust and thus will be responsible for killing bacteria and other biopollutants.

Sistemas de Aire Acondicionado Limpieza de Conductos

Stage 6.
The volume controls and diffusers are placed, which are already clean and disinfected.

Stage 7.
Once the cleaning and disinfection work is finished, as well as the placement of grids and diffusers; equipment is tested, thus ensuring that there are no signs of dust.


Stage 8.
Subsequently, the cleaning of the place where the ducts were cleaned must be carried out, removing dust and waste through special vacuum cleaners, which have the function of sucking the hazardous material. Disinfecting with ESTERICIDE® Qx, all surfaces that could be susceptible to contamination.

Stage 9.
Finally, the decontaminated and tested equipment is delivered to the maintenance manager of the building. Through a control log, duly authorized.

Additional Strategies for Infection Control in Public and Private Offices (including Air Conditioning)

• Hand washing and personal hygiene.
• Sanitary and environmental conditions.
• Implementation of the Comprehensive High Level Sanitization and Disinfection program that includes the Scheduled and Continuous Washing of all furniture and equipment.

However, improving habitat conditions and reducing the possible effects of sick building syndrome is a challenge that must be unfailingly adopted, given that the health of the population is at stake. On the other hand, the economic benefits of solving indoor air quality problems in the case of working premises can be more than significant.

- Publicidad -


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