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Industry figures in more than 6,700 million premiums for renewables and cogeneration in 2011 after cuts

Posted on December 8, 2010

The Ministry of Industry estimates that the premiums of the special regime, which include incentives for renewable energies and cogeneration, will stand at 6,759 million euros in 2011, slightly below the item planned for 2010 by the energy regulator.

In fact, this figure is 0.4%, or just 28 million, lower than the 6,787 million euros in premiums to the special regime planned for 2010 by the National Energy Commission (CNE) in its last revision, after having raised by 15% its initial forecast, of 5,888 million.

In addition, the premiums for 2011 will be, despite the cuts recently applied by the Ministry of Industry, more than 500 million euros above the 6,215 million in 2009, of which 4,719 million euros corresponded to renewables.

- Publicidad -

Renewable premiums have become the main item within the regulated costs of electricity production of the system, which will amount in total to 7,989 million in 2011. After the premiums, the next main expenses are the island and peninsular extra cost, of 785 million, and the demand management of large consumers, of 445 million.

Apart from production costs, the system includes other costs, such as transport (1,531 million), distribution (5,098 million) and other items (3,186 million), to place the total expenditure at 17,757 million euros, as stated in the draft ministerial order for the revision of tariffs sent by Industry to the CNE.

These total costs exceed by 3,048 million the 12,709 million that the system will enter during 2011, so that the model will continue to be in deficit. On this occasion, the deficit that is generated will be more than 1,000 million higher than the 2,000 million that, by law, the Government had set as a ceiling for the year.


The more than 6,700 million in premiums during 2011 will be registered despite the recent cuts applied by the Government to photovoltaic, wind and solar thermal as part of the process of reviewing the costs of the electricity system and the effort to end the tariff deficit.

In the case of photovoltaics, cuts of up to 45% in premiums will be applied from the fourth quarterly pre-allocation call in 2010 and will save 607.2 million until 2013, at a rate of 141.5 million in 2011, 202.3 million in 2012 and 263.4 million in 2013.

As for wind and solar thermal, the first will suffer a cut of 35%, and between the two they will assume a cut in incentives that will amount to 1,100 million until 2013.


According to the October settlement of the CNE, the kilowatt hour that receives the most aid is the photovoltaic, of 41.1 cents, followed by the thermoelectric, of 26.7 cents. Biomass exceeds 7 cents, compared to 4.9 cents for cogeneration and 4 cents for wind and hydro.

- Publicidad -

The special regime covered 27.1% of the electricity demanded in October, thanks mainly to wind power, which contributed 10% of the total, ahead of 8.6% of cogeneration and 2.7% of photovoltaics. (EUROPA PRESS)

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