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Femete activates a program to promote the labor insertion of young applicants for the first job

Posted on December 8, 2010

Fuente: EP

Source: EP

The Department of Training and Employment of the Federation of Metal Entrepreneurs and New Technologies of the province of Tenerife (Femete) will soon launch a new employment project called 'Femete Energía', whose objective is to contribute to generate jobs, favoring the processes of training and labor insertion of the group of young applicants for the first job, who will be provided with a specific preparation to join a booming sector: energy saving and efficiency.

The initiative, subsidized by the Economy and Competitiveness Area of the Cabildo de Tenerife, includes different actions such as the teaching of a course called 'Energy saving and efficiency', in which students will know the basic concepts to carry out an energy audit.

In the aforementioned project, , etc. These people will carry out internships in companies in the energy sector, thus complementing the training phase with the acquisition of real work experience, which will later facilitate their incorporation into a job.

- Publicidad -

Both the Energy Saving and Efficiency Strategy 2004-2012 and the State Energy Efficiency Action Plan and the Canary Islands Energy Plan (Pecan) establish financial lines of support for carrying out energy audits in SMEs and other companies, in order to encourage this practice and promote the culture of energy saving. In addition, the Government of the Canary Islands has announced that it will extend the energy audit program to its own buildings. There is also an obligation to provide an Energy Efficiency report on upcoming industrial projects and new buildings. For all these reasons, the employers' association Femete considers training in energy saving and efficiency to create employment among young people to be of great value.


To develop this initiative, Femete has the support of entities such as the Business Cluster of Renewable Energies, the Environment and Water Resources of the Canary Islands (Ricam), the Insular Energy Agency of Tenerife (AIET), the Provincial Business Association of Environmental Management and Renewable Energies (Aemer), the Business Association of Electrical and Telecommunications Installations of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Asinelte), the Official College of Industrial Engineers of the Canary Islands (COICC) and the Technological Institute of Renewable Energies (ITER), among others.

The necessary profile to be able to participate in 'Femete Energía' is not having previous work experience or not having worked in the last two years. Places are limited. Interested persons can go to the headquarters of the Federation of Metal Entrepreneurs and New Technologies of the province of Tenerife or contact us by phone 922 296 700 or email [email protected]. (EUROPA PRESS)

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