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A conference promotes the use of renewable energies in administrations, companies and families

Fuente: EP

Source: EP

Mayors of the province of Cáceres participate this Tuesday in a conference on responsibility in the public management of the environment in local entities and local cooperation in the field of renewable energies to disseminate the use of this type of energy in administrations, companies and families.

This has been explained by the Minister of Industry, Energy and Environment of Extremadura, José Luis Navarro, who has been in charge of inaugurating, together with the president of the Diputación de Cáceres, Juan Andrés Tovar, this day that takes place in Cáceres within the framework of the project of the Cross-border Network of Local Authorities and Renewable Energies (Retaler).

Navarro explained that whenever we talk about solar thermal plants, photovoltaic or wind farms they refer to "large facilities" and forget "the day to day" that it is "the set of many smaller facilities that are very distributed throughout the territory" and in which "local entities have a lot to say" in the daily use of "citizens, companies and families".

He has referred, for example, to the use of biomass to produce hot water for daily consumption that can be applied in heated pools in localities or in a small industry that currently has a boiler that burns diesel and that can be replaced by this type of energy that would produce "an important saving in the energy bill and reduce CO2 emissions".

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"We have to introduce it little by little in daily use and local administrations must go ahead installing pilot projects that serve as dynamizers so that society is assuming the great advantages that this type of energy has in everyday use," said the counselor in a meeting with the media prior to the official opening of the conference.

Navarro has also referred to the solar panels that can be installed on the roof of a private home and that produces a saving of more than 50 percent in the hot water bill. "They are also installations that are amortized in three or four years and that is another field in which public administrations have to set an example by installing these solar panels in our centers," he adds.

In the conference, which is attended by heads of local entities in the province of Cáceres, will talk, among other issues, about subsidies for the promotion of energy saving and efficiency at the local level and examples of energy service companies will be given.

In addition, the deputy of Renewable Energies of the Diputación de Huelva, María José Cortil Flores, will talk about the experiences of energy responsibility in the province of Huelva. The closing of the conference will be in charge of the deputy of the Area of Local Development and Training of the Diputación de Cáceres, Rosario Cordero Martín. (EUROPA PRESS)

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