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A cause that must go beyond newspapers

In recent days, newspapers and news portals around the world have witnessed bold announcements aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions or controlling pollution in cities through the large-scale insertion of green technologies in some of the most polluted metropolises on the planet.

Undoubtedly, such announcements are quite positive and hopeful, but we must work so that these initiatives do not remain simply as media and advertising effects, or become approaches to political campaigns.

It is important to clarify that this medium coincides with those that tend to reduce emissions of compounds that are harmful to the ozone layer, and that it also accompanies those who seek the implementation of green technologies in the most polluting cities; However, it calls for such initiatives to be landed through programs that contemplate measures for the short and medium term, since the planet does not support "long-term" emission reduction plans, while pollution advances, a scenario that would be seen with the most recent proposal on environmental matters made by the President of the United States.

In this regard, we welcome the announcement of the implementation of shock measures in six cities on the continent (New York, Chicago, Toronto, Houston, Mexico City and São Paulo) to become green cities. These actions propose the reduction of vehicular traffic, the conversion of heating, cooling and lighting power systems and the dosage of electricity consumption in domestic installations.

We also welcome any attempt by the other cities of the continent to take similar actions, as any of the capital cities in the region faces similar problems that are reflected in large clouds of smog and noise pollution. Even each citizen can make their contribution to make the plan to decontaminate the planet a reality, joining the initiatives proposed by these cities.

- Publicidad -

That is why the important thing is to move from rhetoric to action, plan immediate actions and start as soon as possible the measures for the construction of a green planet.

Julian Arcila Restrepo

Julián Arcila Restrepo
Author: Julián Arcila Restrepo
Chief Marketer
Communications professional, MBA, specialized in designing and executing successful Public Relations and Digital Marketing campaigns with more than 14 years of experience in areas related to communications.

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