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Refriaméricas: the resounding success of a fair that continues to consolidate itself internationally

Refriaméricas y el rotundo éxito de una feria que no para de consolidarse internacionalmente

Latin America. The massive response of the HVAC industry, gathered during what was a successful twentieth edition of Refriaméricas, fulfilled all expectations and is a clear indication of the growth and positioning of this international event.

Among the factors that today allow us to make a more than satisfactory balance we highlight the wide variety of brands and exhibiting companies, the high quality standards of the projects that competed in open competition for the coveted CALA Award and the first-class academic agenda.

The academic program, the cornerstone of RefriAmericas, featured several presentations and workshops covering key topics such as energy efficiency, decarbonization, Artificial Intelligence, innovations in refrigeration and automation. The inclusion of presentations in English expanded accessibility for international attendees, providing a wealth of knowledge and empowering professionals to stay ahead of industry trends.

Participation on the rise
Similarly, it is worth highlighting the constant influx of public during the two days of the event and, of course, the atmosphere of total camaraderie experienced during the Fiesta Alegría.

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This year, attendance at Refriaméricas increased by 40% compared to the previous year, with more than 2,000 industry professionals from around the world attending. Thus, the fair venue was full of activity, with more than 100 exhibitors from 6 countries, as well as key sector organizations, such as Women in HVAC/R and ABRAVA.


"We have been very successful here at the Refriaméricas fair, with visitors to our booth from countries such as the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Honduras and the United States": José Gayoso, President of PSI Engineered Solutions, Inc.

"It has been a completely exceptional show that covers everything that is the industry. We are very, very happy to participate and we can't wait to be next year in the next edition to be held in the Dominican Republic": Juan Ríos, Branch Manager of Conklink Metal Industries.

"We are very happy to be here, in the 20 years of Refriaméricas. The congress has been very enriching, with very constructive talks that provide new techniques and tools, as well as new approaches with other companies": Yuliana, visitor to Refriaméricas.

"The North American market is our most important market, as well as South and Central America. Every year we have more and more customers and that's why we come here, as we would like to introduce our project to more people, hoping that they will like it and let them know about our product": Sally Zhang, Sales Manager of OnlyKem Technology Co. Ltd.

"I have had a good experience at Refriaméricas and the opportunity to talk to people from all over Latin America to explain how we can help do everything we can to protect not only property, but also human lives in the event of fires": Daniel Mack, Chief Technologies LLC

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CALA Awards
A new edition of the CALA Awards was held with great reception within the framework of the 20th anniversary of Refriaméricas, with the winner this year being the One Roche Costa Rica Campus project, which was in charge of Multifrio S.A. and Refrigeration and Refrigeration and Refrigeration Solutions.

The three finalists competing for the award were DISMEC SAS, Flutec and Express Air.

Read our online article about the winning project and find out all the details!

Thus, with all the objectives met, the 20th edition of Refriaméricas, an event for the HVAC industry in Latin America and the world, ended. Now, the countdown to Refriaméricas 2025 begins, to be held on July 23 and 24 in Santo Domingo, the historic capital of the Dominican Republic. We are waiting for you!

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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