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Frascold introduces the TK HD CO2 compressor series

Frascold presenta la serie de compresores TK HD con CO2

InternationalFrascold launched the new range of compressors with natural CO2 refrigerant in the transcritical phase, designed to deliver high performance 24/7.

The TK HD series is the result of Frascold's significant investment in research and development. According to the manufacturer, these solutions are characterized by high performance, both variable and persistent workloads, and long life cycles.

In addition, their energy efficiency, reliability and performance make these compressors an advantageous choice for a wide range of applications, from refrigeration to cooling and also high-temperature heat pumps up to 100°C.

In that vein, compressors are capable of operating in harsh environmental conditions, i.e. constant workloads at high temperatures and with high delta P, all while fully respecting the environment.

- Publicidad -

R+D is a constantly evolving field for the company, which has always focused on the use of advanced and high-quality materials to ensure a long life cycle of its compressors in terms of corrosion resistance, heat dissipation and optimized lubrication.

Frascold's decision to equip the new TK HD series with anti-friction treatments and new surface finishes has made it possible to reduce wear, extend the life of the compressors and deliver consistent performance over time.

This reliability, strength and durability have also been confirmed by the field test, which has been operating externally for a year. In addition, the ability to combine an inverter gives compressors more flexibility and makes them ideal for any requirement in the HVAC&R world.

Frascold pointed out that the TK HD series also stands out for its quiet operation. The optimisation of the internal components and the meticulous mechanical balancing made it possible to significantly reduce noise levels, with a sound pressure range of 1 metre away between 64.5 and 76 dB (A), equivalent to the volume of a conversation for the smallest models or to road traffic for the Z 1 size.

Not only does this feature improve the user experience, but it also has to do with Frascold's interest in offering environmentally friendly solutions.

The range, with two engine versions, includes 4 different sizes for a total of 34 models, with a range of 3 to 50 hp and volumetric displacements from 1.9 to 37.9 m3/h at 50 Hz.

In addition to being designed to withstand pressures of up to 100 bar, it ensures maximum flexibility and compatibility with existing systems, making it possible to adapt it later.

- Publicidad -

Advantages of CO2
CO2 offers benefits over conventional synthetic refrigerants: it is a refrigerant with a low global warming potential, is easily obtainable, is non-flammable and has higher operating limits than propane gas.

In addition, the use of CO2 contributes to making plants more efficient: an important opportunity to reduce environmental impact and promote responsible management of energy resources, in favour of a future under the sign of sustainability.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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