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New features announced for the next version of Expofrío

Anuncian novedades para la próxima versión de Expofrío

Peru. With an expanded offer, the HVAC fair was launched this week, to be held next October in the capital of Peru.

According to the organizers, the success of past editions has motivated them to work to meet the increasing levels of demand and demand of the companies and professionals participating in Expofrío.

Thus, the new edition has been scheduled for October 24 and 25 with five novelties.

It has been decided to hold it in the best place -although tripling the costs-, in the Sheraton Hotel & Convention Center, which has enough space for commercial activity, conferences and business meetings, with all the services and amenities offered by a five-star hotel located in the historic center of Lima to facilitate access for participants and visitors.

- Publicidad -

Commercial offer
From 40 stands, it now goes to more than 70 stands, which represents a growth of more than 50%, to enrich the commercial offer, especially of the technologies and solutions of the companies that lead the industry and that must help update the reality and trends of the market.

International Congress
The aim is to promote the Congress as a professional development center for executives on the HVACR market, in order to prepare those who are leading their growth in the region. It is not only a matter of having the best conditions to carry it out as the Hotel offers, but also of achieving a better programme by inviting new and more speakers
that allow a higher level of information and knowledge for our participants.

Business Roundtable
It is a new activity that seeks to promote relationships and business contacts, for which there is a special room. Companies that set aside space will be able to schedule a meeting with their potential customers.

More than 3,000 visits
It is expected to exceed the visits achieved in 2023 focused on executives and people with decision-making capacity. The growth of Expofrío's base and its regional activity guarantee that this new goal will be achieved. With this new challenge, Expofrío 2024 is moving forward to affirm itself in line with one of its main aspirations summarized in the following
motto: "Peru, the new HVACR business center in Latin America".

20 years of activities
In July 2004, the first edition of Expofrío was held at the Catholic University of Peru. On that occasion, the fair brought together 30 exhibitors, the congress and seminars 200 people and the visits approached 1,000 people.

Its committee was chaired by the well-remembered engineer Luis Yamada, and was accompanied by Ernesto Sanguinetti and Rafel Castillo.

- Publicidad -

"Many of those who today lead the HVAR industry in Peru, now with a few extra kilos and combing gray hair, lived the experience of this first Expofrío and the editions that followed, and adopted it as their own. That explains its strong revival, now with new resources and challenges. Thus, we have a double reason to make the 15th edition of Expofrío great in 2024: its 20th anniversary and the recognition of all those who have driven the growth of the industry in this time," said the organizers of the event.

Those interested in obtaining more information can write to the email [email protected] or WhatsApp +51 941355801.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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