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Refricon 2023 met more than 200 attendees from the HVAC industry

Refricon 2023

Costa Rica. On May 13, the seventh edition of the Refricon Congress was held in San José, which this year was presented with the slogan: "Current affairs and evolution of air conditioning: vision in the economy, design and technology".

This event, organized by Refrimundo, a company that is part of Grupo Clima, had a commercial exhibition where the brand's partners participated: Samsung, Hisense, Aspen Pumps Group, Cooltek, Innes, Italsan, Soler & Palau, P3 Ductal, Cönex Banninger, Johnson Controls, SPX Marley, IUSA, Diversitech and Tupreco.

The congress offered a program of technical-academic talks that opened with the panel: Creation of the Costa Rican Chamber of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Ventilation and Related (CCRAV) whose main objective is to promote the development of companies in the industry, following up on any action that develops in society, the market or the State that affects this activity.

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This panel was attended by Fabio Clavijo, president of Tecnaire; Mario Ulate, manager of strategic negotiations at Clima Ideal; Mariano Lang, • General Manager of the company Ingenieria Termica; Marcela Ulibarri Leiva, director of companies such as Tesla de Costa Rica, Saire, Tupreco, among others; Salo Ponchner Geller, General Director / CEO of MultiFrio, and Victor Fung, manager of Aplitec. This panel was moderated by Fabio Giraldo, project manager of ACR Latinoamerica magazine.

During the panel, the reasons why the creation of the Chamber was condieró were announced, among which the needs of joining the sector in order to intensify training, formalize and regulate the guild and give a much more active participation and prominence to the industry in Costa Rica were highlighted.

The attendees also showed their current difficulties that technicians and installers have, referring to the unfair competition that exists in the guild, the little training and the need to have a constant update of knowledge that allows them to be more competitive.

Subsequently, the conference was presented: Implementation of water and air monitoring, to improve user safety and prevent the risk of Legionella, dictated by Eng. Pablo Blanco Córdoba, director of TTr Mechanical development of the company Italsan.

And the event closed with the talk: Challenges for Costa Rica in the face of the global and national economic environment 2023-2024", presented by Dr. Daniel Suchar Zomer, PhD, expert in economics.

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ACR Latin America was one of the special guests at this event; We thank Refrimundo for the invitation and congratulate them for the realization of this space that has been growing every year in an important way.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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