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Have you already applied for your HVAC/R project to win the CALA ADWARDS 2023 award?


Latin America. There is less than a month left for you to apply for the CALA ADWARDS award in the category of best HVAC / R project in Latin America for this 2023. The deadline for applications is May 27 at 5:00 p.m. in Mexico time.

This contest, organized by our magazine in the company of Latin Press, will be awarded in San Juan, Puerto Rico, during the Expo RefriAméricas to be held on July 26 and 27, 2023 at the Puerto Rico Convention Center – CCPR. That is, this contest follows the line of what in previous years was the contest "Clima Latino", but now under a name that covers other recognitions for different sectors.

What should I take into account to compete?
In the first place, for the CALA ADWARDS contest, HVAC/R Installation is understood as all projects that require the integration of commercial and industrial air conditioning or refrigeration equipment and systems that are completed and operating at the closing date of this call.

As a relevant fact, it should be noted that this call is open throughout the Latin American territory. In addition, it must not be older than two years with respect to the closing time of the call. Likewise, each participating entity/company may only compete with one project.

- Publicidad -

Step by step to apply
Something to keep in mind, prior to the application, is that the different material sent to participate may be freely used by the organization for purposes of promotion and dissemination of the same. Now, to apply for a project to the CALA AWARDS Best HVAC/R Installation, the following steps must be followed:

1. The application of projects will be only through the website
2. Record a video of maximum 3 minutes explaining and showing all the details of the installation. The video must be uploaded to Youtube.
3. Fill out the application form HERE in which you must add all the requested information, and a description as complete as possible of the project, with details such as type of installation, project objectives, equipment and systems implemented, technical characteristics, etc.
4. Send three to four high-resolution photographs of the submitted project to the email: [email protected]

You should keep in mind that the deadline for project application is May 27 at 5:00 p.m., Mexico time. The submission of projects for the award means acceptance of all the parameters of the award.

Selection criteria
For the choice of the finalist projects, the following criteria will be taken into account:
• The type of cutting-edge technologies incorporated into it.
• The degree to which air conditioning and/or refrigeration technologies positively influence the intervened space by optimizing its operation.
• The importance that the project could have for the benefit of the region or the country.
• The works presented may belong to the categories: commercial or industrial.

Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Author: Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Periodista con amplia experiencia en corrección de estilo y generación de contenidos de valor para el sector especializado - [email protected]

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