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Greenheck celebrates 75 years of history in the ventilation industry


United States. Greenheck is celebrating its 75th anniversary these days. Founded by brothers Bob and Bernie Greenheck when they returned home after World War II, the company began as a small sheet metal workshop in Schofield, Wisconsin.

In its early days, Greenheck made a variety of metal products, but it soon found its niche in its first HVAC product: a powerless gravity fan. At present, Greenheck offers a product line of ventilation equipment from ceiling to room, including fans and fans, replenishment air units, energy recovery fans, kitchen ventilation systems, dedicated outdoor air systems, indoor air controllers, shock absorbers, blinds, laboratory extraction systems, grids, logs, diffusers and air terminal units.

"Bob and Bernie Greenheck's business philosophy was based on the core values of reinvestment in our people and operations, dedication to continuous improvement and determination to be the company with which it is easiest to do business," said Tim Kilgore, Greenheck's president of sales. "These enduring values guide our company to this day through our extraordinary team members, strong sales partners and suppliers, and constant product innovation to meet changing customer needs."

Greenheck continuously works with its network of mechanical representatives, consulting engineers, and mechanical contractor clients to design and manufacture products that improve indoor air quality and provide healthy, safe environments in commercial, institutional, and industrial facilities, such as schools, hospitals, warehouses, offices, data centers, restaurants, and more.

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To accommodate this growing product line, Greenheck developed its Computer Aided Product Selection (CAPS®) program during the 1980s and then introduced the web-based eCAPS® program in 2015 to facilitate product selection for engineers, contractors, and their network of representatives. Greenheck also expanded its manufacturing reach over the years to be closer to the customer. In addition to Wisconsin, manufacturing campuses and facilities are currently located in California, Florida, Kentucky, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Mexico, and India.

Without living in the past, Greenheck continues to find ways to better serve its customers and meet the challenges of the future. Energy efficiency, indoor air quality and net-zero buildings are among the main factors driving innovation in the design of air movement and control products.

The founder of a family business, Bob Greenheck, still serves as chairman emeritus of the board of directors that today includes three generations of the Greenheck family. The Bernard A. Greenheck Education Center and the Robert C. Greenheck Innovation Center, located on the Schofield, Wisconsin campus, ensure that Greenheck's industry position in education, standards, product quality, and product innovation continues now and into the future.

To learn more about Greenheck's 75-year history, visit

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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