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How to improve transport operation with refrigeration systems

Transporte con sistemas de refrigeración

Mexico. Carrier Transicold shared, within the framework of the International Refrigeration Congress (CIR) 2022, a conference on the Impact on operating expenses for losses in the transfer of perishable products.

The brand unveiled innovations that, from technological efficiency, help improve the operating costs of refrigeration systems, in addition to preventing the losses of perishable products. This within the framework of the slogan "Driving The Industry" of the CIR 2022, a congress that was focused on current issues, such as the use of refrigerants, transport monitoring technology, the internet of things, and the cold chain.

Context of food security
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, hunger in the world is increasing. However, about a third of all food produced globally is lost or wasted.

In this sense, Pedro González, carrier transicold Mexico and LATAM service manager and speaker at cir 2022, stressed that the food, pharmaceutical, floricultural and chemical industries, among others, market perishable products that require freshness when transported; However, due to various factors it is likely that these goods "lose" quality during this process.

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"Each year food loss and waste amounts to more than 20 million tons of food fit for human consumption along the entire value chain. 34% of the food produced does not reach final consumption for reasons such as little technology in the field, lack of intention to buy fairly, impassable roads and / or inadequate transportation, "said González.

Improve operating costs and secure food
Pedro González also took advantage of the space to explain the importance of providing the refrigeration unit with preventive maintenance so that it operates in optimal conditions. "It is important to pay attention to the refrigerated box and monitor its structure, suspension, check the door seals and thermal insulation."

Alimentos en buen estado

Moreover, given this context panorama, refrigerated transport has great opportunities for improvement in Mexico, especially the food sector, since it is possible to distribute products at the precise temperature to avoid decomposition and waste.

On the other hand, Pablo López, Technical Trainer of Carrier LATAM, stressed that it is important that refrigeration equipment has an efficient application in telemetry, because "all temperature controlled transport requires constant care to guarantee the health and safety of the cold chain. Today, telematics devices become useful tools for monitoring loads, remotely and in real time."

Carrier Transicold Tips
According to the brand there are different actions to take into account the different involved in the value chain to improve the process of transporting food and goods, especially those that need refrigeration.

For producers, the correct handling of their products allows them to offer more quantity at the best price, making their process more efficient.

- Publicidad -

Carriers, as a key factor in the cold chain, must be aware of mechanical, human or control failures, as they can affect the product, from small alterations to total decomposition.

A product that was properly kept at the ideal temperature has higher quality when consumed and, on the other hand, better prices, since by reducing the loss sellers can adjust to market prices.

In general, in refrigerated transport it is necessary to contemplate the loading and unloading times during the distribution of perishable products and articles at a controlled temperature. It is essential to supervise the exit of the production or storage center and the distribution platform and at the points of sale.

Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Author: Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Periodista con amplia experiencia en corrección de estilo y generación de contenidos de valor para el sector especializado - [email protected]

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