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Academia AFT will certify in partnership with Colombian university

Academia AFT director y asesor estratégico de marketing

Colombia. The Academy of Technical Foundations (AFT) signed an agreement with the University of Medellín to improve the scope of its certification, generating extra benefits for its students. Including those who enroll in courses related to HVAC systems.

This academy that was born in 2021, as a training space in specialized technical knowledge, focuses on the needs for the work of various professional profiles. In addition, it has been characterized by having an affordable offer, both in its economic value (since it does not exceed the cost per course of 18 US dollars) and for its format, based on synchronous virtual meetings, of 2 hours duration maximum.

However, within the development of this training center its directors saw the need to have the support of an educational institution to formalize the certifications they issued and expand their areas of knowledge.

Andrés Felipe Trujillo Rodríguez (right in the photo), director of the AFT Academy, commented on the matter: "We had already been giving a certificate of attendance, but it was necessary for our students to attach these courses to their resumes, that is, they wanted to endorse in their profiles the knowledge they had acquired. That was where the University of Medellín and its extension area came in, with them we saw the possibility of generating an alliance, which will also allow us to migrate our courses to their educational platform".

- Publicidad -

The person who made possible the final signing of this agreement and who managed this union was José Enrique Palomares (located on the left in the photo), the strategic Marketing Advisor of the AFT Academy. However, this alliance also requires the academy to increase the number of hours per course to 8, but at the same time projects greater scope in its offer, which already had an added value with its staff of international teachers and the support generated by its staff.

To date, this training center has impacted an average of 1,125 people, as it has taught 46 courses, with around 25 students for each, located from Miami to Chile. Meanwhile, the typology of students who hope to continue benefiting, once this agreement is in place in august, is to contractor engineers, architects, students and other contractors who are involved in HVAC installations, this for the case of refrigeration, air conditioning and air conditioning courses.

Equipo de trabajo Academia AFT

Job training offer
It is important to note that the AFT Academy teaches, to date, technical courses covering 5 knowledge modules. Namely: management of technical software, disciplines related to engineering and architecture, air conditioning, sustainability and environment, as well as refrigeration.

In the same way, although it has an agreement with the University of Medellín, it will maintain the offer of its website, so that students can choose the one that best suits their needs, within which there are technical courses in English for Spanish speakers.

Finally, another interesting fact is that this academy allows, for an annual subscription of around 45 dollars (USD), to access the material of the 40 courses that were taught last year, as well as those that are currently teaching, this modality of annual subscription is called TECV Plan.

If you are interested in knowing more about the offer of the AFT Academy, we suggest you enter this link.

Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Author: Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Periodista con amplia experiencia en corrección de estilo y generación de contenidos de valor para el sector especializado - [email protected]

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  1. Willy Michael buitrago garces
    Saturday, 30 July 2022 09:39
    Buen día estoy interesado pero quiero saber si tienen cede en Bogotá

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