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Intelligent air conditioning in business tower


A project carried out in the Las Brisas Business Tower, located in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, included the installation of an intelligent air conditioning system and complete automation.

by KMC Controls

The Las Brisas Business Tower of 30 floors demanded an investment of 65 million dollars and 36 months of work, today looks imposing on Avenida Cristo Redentor corner 4th ring in the city of Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

It is the first building with intelligent integral systems in Bolivia, with safety equipment according to international standards, top quality materials and a strategic location allows it to be close to everything. It constitutes the "First Mixed Use Center", with Shopping Center, parking building and office building, characteristics that make it, not only the architectural landmark of the city and the country, but also the perfect place to achieve greater productivity.

- Publicidad -

Among the features that make the Las Brisas Business Tower a unique building are: Intelligent Air Conditioning System, which allows significant energy savings and greater comfort in the offices; in addition to an automated system of controlled luminosity.

The Ice Water Plant generates 3,000 tons of cold, includes 3 chillers, 9 cooling towers, 12 fixed and variable flow pumps.

The water system is automated by a number of U.S. KMC Controls sensors, actuators, valves and controllers. KMC's Conquest series includes advanced application digital controllers.

BACnet® for the automation of all electromechanical systems of any building. This line of hardware ranges from basic application controllers to fully programmable and customizable solutions with built-in alarms, trends, and programming. It uses NFC technology, which allows you to configure the controllers by proximity from a smartphone.

The cold water is distributed to the 70 air handlers, these handlers are automated by the BAC-5901C controller and CAN-5901 expansion modules, from kmc's Conquest series, with 26 flexible inputs configurable by software and 24 equally flexible outputs. The controller takes the data of temperature, pressure, filter status, fan speed, valve status, etc. and they are processed by its intelligent algorithms that have been custom developed for the project to achieve the optimal values for comfort and efficiency.

The treated air is directed to the more than 750 VAV boxes contained in the building, these boxes supply it to each enclosure according to the requirements of temperature and air quality.

- Publicidad -

Building automation has more than 1,000 bacnet controllers networked and monitored by KMC Controls' SCADA system called Total Control. More than 8,000 control points are recorded, analyzed and graphed, yielding reports, alarms, trend graphs, status of the elements. Plan corrective maintenance as preventive maintenance.

The KMC automation system of this building has been in operation for almost 2 years without a single failure, and is in continuous evolution, developing new algorithms that allow learning the behavior of the users of the building, to foresee the demands and adjust the operation, making a building increasingly comfortable and efficient.

Project information
Project: Automation in HVAC
End Customer: Las Brisas Business Tower, Santa Cruz Bolivia
Responsible Integrator: A work of the integrator in Bolivia: Greennova de Santa Cruz. In conjunction with the supply and remote support, technical and commercial, of ISAI Controls together with KMC Controls LA (Latin America).
Manufacturers involved: KMC Controls – Protoclo BACnet. More than 1,000 Total Control Controllers (SCADA System), Conquest Series Digital Controllers.
* Automation in 3 chillers, 9 cooling towers, 12 fixed and variable flow pumps, 70 air handlers.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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