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Frascold announces new projects in district heating

Frascold anuncia nuevos proyectos en calefacción urbana

International. Frascold and Solid Energy, a company specialized in heat pumps powered by renewable sources, join forces to contribute to the spread of district heating and open the way to the ecological transition by signing numerous projects in Denmark.

A facility that heats more than 2000 families
Among the most recent companies is the improvement of the Galten facility, active since 1964 and capable of feeding approximately 2,130 housing units. The collaboration between Frascold and Solid Energy for the Galten site was launched in 2019 with the creation of a system capable of producing 45,000 MWh per year, obtained with 6 Bottleld CXH screw compressors, suitable for the use of HC for 3.5 MW of total power.

The next expansion, underway in 2021, envisages the introduction of 12 aggregate CXH compressors, for a power increase equal to 7 MW. The installed air-water heat pumps absorb heat from the external air with 34 aircoolers for a total of 3,215,000 m3/h and allow to hit 98% of the consumption of the district heating system (that is, 44,343 MWh), with a SCOP (Seasonal Coefficient of Performance) of 3.11. The installation provides a shipping temperature of 70°C with a return of 38°C, thus obtaining a COP equal to 3.4 calculated considering an external air temperature of 8°C, which is the annual average in Denmark.

"We believe that HC heat pumps are ideal to promote the reduction of environmental installation in the comfort sector. Cascade systems with R290 and R600a guarantee the best balance between reduction of direct and indirect consumption, flexibility of use and costs", says Karsten Pedersen, Technical Director of Solid Energy, "For this project we have still trusted once in Frascold that has supported us throughout each phase and, thanks to the constant comparison with the Competence Center team, we have studied the ideal system to respond to three challenges: sustainability, performance and efficiency." He continues: "The collaboration with Frascold is also based on the certified reliability of its wide range of solutions for hydrocarbons with a size of around 1000m3/h ideal for our project and in accordance with the ATEX directive for use in zone 2".

- Publicidad -

Fabrizio Diotallevi, Sales Area Manager Nord Europe at Frascold, comments: "Denmark is among the most cutting-edge countries in the world in terms of district heating and has 1.7 million housing units, equal to 64% of the total, powered by these systems, of which 61% already use renewable sources. A process of continuous improvement in line with the goal of completely eliminating fossil fuels in the segment by 2030."

He continues: "With the numerous installations carried out together with Solid Energy we are proud to contribute to this ambitious project that we hope will be replicated even in other countries. The new success story with Solid Energy is a concrete testimony of our experience in the realization of compressors for heat pumps, acquired in years of international companies in the field of this technology that in the near future will be at the base of a virtuous heating and with zero environmental impact".

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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