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New Sodeca modules for air cleaning and disinfection

International. The specialist in ventilation systems and air quality presented its new modules for cleaning and disinfection of air with different technologies.

These technologies are designed to prevent pollutants that remain in the indoor air from harming the environment. In this way, we can protect the environment from smoke, bad odors, as well as suspended particles that occur in fatty environments and with contaminants produced by use and occupation, if we choose the equipment specially designed for it.

Ecology Unit
With a clear vocation towards a greener world and clean air, Sodeca's equipment with the Ecology Unitson label is the result of a firm commitment to innovation in social responsibility and sustainability in favor of the environment, comfort and well-being. At the same time, they are the ideal solution for environments where contaminants are fatty, oily or with suspended particles. They are equipment with anti-grease technology that prevent at the same time that dirt in the air indoors affects nearby places, with the utmost respect for the environment.

Solutions for oily or particulate environments
Sodeca offers solutions with a clear commitment to environmental respect that eliminate particles in suspension in kitchens, preventing dirt in the air from also dispersing to places near the work area. Reducing smoke and odor levels in industrial kitchens is possible thanks to the incorporation of electrostatic and activated carbon filter technology in air filtration and cleaning solutions.

- Publicidad -

A ventilation system designed for space with high levels of concentration of people and with fatty environments is essential to achieve clean air and, in addition, filtered. In this way, annoying odors of smoke in the work environment are reduced, and also, the accumulation of grease in the ducts.

• Electrostatic filters (EF) are particularly suitable for the removal of contaminants such as particles, bacteria and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The high performance of these filters together with the high particle capture capacity, make these equipment work with very low pressure losses and, therefore, offering a very low electrical consumption compared to conventional mechanical filtering systems.

• Activated carbon cartridge filters are specifically designed for the treatment of large air flows minimizing pressure loss. Activated carbon filter technology is ideal for removing unwanted contaminants, trapping odors, gases and allergens. It is also recommended for the purification of contaminants produced by the use and occupation of the premises.

Modules for air cleaning and disinfection
Sodeca has developed new solutions to clean and disinfect the air in especially fatty environments, with bad odors and different particles in suspension. With effective filtration and disinfection we achieve clean air and a healthy environment in the work area offering better comfort for the whole team.

MF (units with filters): Fanless filtration units with different filter possibilities, designed for air cleaning through the capture of solid particles that are suspended in any type of building.

MCA (units with activated carbon filters): fanless filtration units with activated carbon filters in cartridge. Activated carbon filter technology is ideal for removing unwanted contaminants, trapping odors, gases and allergens. It is also recommended for the purification of contaminants produced by the use and occupation of the premises.

MPCO (units with photocatalysis technology): Fanless filtration units with photocatalysis-based technology. This technology is a powerful tool for the purification of air and nearby surfaces, accelerating the natural decomposition of organic matter. Our equipment also has integrated modules with positive and negative ionization technology, improving purifying efficiency against ultrafine dusts and odors.

MFE (units with electrostatic filters): fanless filtration units with high-efficiency electrostatic filters. Air purification through disinfection with FE electrostatic filter technology is ideal for environments where contaminants are fatty, oily or with suspended particles and that usually quickly saturate mechanical or textile filters, being electrostatic filters washable and easy maintenance.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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