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In hybrid format will be held Conbrava 2021

En formato híbrido se realizará Conbrava 2021

Brazil. Scheduled to take place between November 23 and 25, the XVII CONBRAVA - Brazilian Congress of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Ventilation, Heating and Air Treatment will address the topic "Trends and Impacts of HVAC-R on the quality of life and safety of people".

According to the organizing committee of this edition, the Congress aims to highlight the importance of the air conditioning and refrigeration sectors for Society, considering that the systems of the sectors represented are fundamental for food safety, health, comfort, well-being and productivity. During the event, four round tables are planned, which are Indoor Air Quality, Energy Efficiency, Refrigerant Fluids and the unprecedented Water Treatment in HVAC-R Systems. Due to the COVID19 pandemic, the event will be held in a hybrid way (online and face-to-face) at São Paulo Expo - SP. Registration is open in

Conbrava aims to exchange experiences, update and disseminate knowledge based on the most modern technologies and solutions within the scope of the segments represented. The three-day conference program includes national and international conferences, offering participants access to the most up-to-date information available in the HVAC-R sector, as well as meeting with the most recognized professionals working in the sectors represented.

One of the challenges for the commission was the definition of issues, considering that the HVAC-R sector is inserted in all the productive chains of the economy and directly linked to people's lives. In this time of pandemic, large urban centers need good projects, equipment, facilities and maintenance, essential elements for the functioning of all sectors of the national economy and fundamental for the quality of life and safety of people.

- Publicidad -

The round tables
The Conbrava program will have four round tables, an occasion in which multidisciplinary professionals will meet in front of the topics: Refrigerant Fluid, Energy Efficiency, Indoor Air Quality and Water Treatment.

The Profe. Roberto Peixoto of the Mauá Institute, will coordinate the Refrigerant Fluids table that will address the entire scenario of the refrigeration and air conditioning sector in relation to refrigerant fluids, which is in a certain way walking more safely due to the Kigali Amendment, approved for 3 years, which presents safer information to be adopted in the fluid replacement process, rather than remaining a challenge on account of the measures of the Montreal Protocol, due to the elimination and reduction of HCFS. The table will have invited representatives from the producer, importer and user sectors.

The Energy Efficiency Roundtable will be coordinated by Eng. José Carlos Felamingo of the RHAC Union, and will address one of the most prominent issues currently due to the energy crisis in the country. To address the issue, Felamingo and Prof. Enio Bandarra, vice president of the panel, chose to highlight a topic for the debate "The impact of global warming on HVAC-R", in order to direct the discussion that will be promoted on the occasion.

Teacher. Antonio Luis de Campos Mariani, professor at USP and coordinator of LEQAI, will be responsible for the debate in the round table on one of the most discussed topics since the Covid19 pandemic began, Indoor Air Quality. Mariani emphasizes that this is an issue in evidence since Ordinance 3523 was published in 1989, in guarantee of indoor air quality and prevention of health risks to the occupants of climate-controlled environments. But concern about the quality of air breathed in indoor environments has been evident since the beginning of the Sars-Cov-2 virus pandemic, which has highlighted issues such as ventilation and the use of air conditioning.

The recommendations and protocols disseminated to open doors and windows sparked discussions, and caught the attention of professionals working in sectors related to air conditioning and refrigeration. Breaking this paradigm, that opening doors and windows is enough for people to have a safe return to work, school and recreation environments, has been one of the biggest challenges faced by all.

And complementing the three topics of the tables in other editions, this will be the first edition of Conbrava that will feature the round table Water Treatment for HVAC-R systems, which will be chaired by Charles Domingues, president of the National Department of Water Treatment ABRAVA. The issue of water treatment will be discussed in Congress at an opportune time, when Brazil is experiencing a water crisis and any form of water use is of great value.

For the occasion, the table coordinators Charles and Profe. Alberto Hernandes of USP chose to bring for discussion the concept of the Triple Bottom or the Tripod of Sustainability, which presents a holistic vision of three different points: Social, Environmental and Economic, and in that sense, they defined the topic to be discussed as "Water Treatment Program and its relationship with conservation, performance, sustainability in HVAC-R systems". For the occasion, the discussion on the topic will feature representatives of an environmental agency, the Regional Chemistry Council, a representative of the Academy and an end user.

Registration is open! Check the program and register in

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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