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Marketing is his great passion

El Marketing es su gran pasión

Aury Aristy, Regional Marketing Manager for Carrier InterAmerica Corp., is our Professional of the Month.

by ACR Latin America

The person behind the great commercial and marketing ideas at Carrier Interamerica Corporation is a woman who has managed to open her own path, and who within this industry has earned the recognition of professionals for her continuous work that has allowed her to achieve an important trajectory.

Those who recognize Aury, who are not few, highlight her for her charisma, her leadership and for her creative contribution to ensure that Carrier is constantly in the minds of consumers. Aury, born in Santo Domingo (R/Dominicana), has been in the United States for many years, but sharing very closely with the Latin American region.

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"I started my working life very young, while studying at university, with a company called Kodak Polychrome Graphics, in the graphic and printing industry. Then I started working for Carrier Corporation under the conglomerate of United Technologies, here began my career in the air conditioning industry. In Carrier I also started very young and had positions in the area of operations, from there I went to Sales and Marketing, until occupying the position I currently have of Regional Marketing Manager for Carrier InterAmerica Corp, part of Carrier Enterprise, a joint company of Carrier Corporation and Watsco Inc. "

Next we will know a little more about Aury Aristy, our Professional of the month of this edition.

ACR: How was your process of linking to this industry?
Aury Aristy: In 2003, while still a university student, a colleague told me about Carrier Corporation and the great company it was, the growth opportunities they offered. I had the joy of being hired by Carrier and here began my career in the world of air conditioning in Latin America. Within Carrier I have had the opportunity to grow professionally and work in what I am passionate about which is marketing, I have met incredible people and I have traveled to a number of countries. This industry is full of challenges but I feel fortunate to work with an iconic brand that signals market leadership through its continuous innovation.

ACR: What are your personal challenges in this industry?
Aury: My challenges are to continue expanding my knowledge, especially in the digital area, in which is the future of marketing. In addition to continuing to grow professionally with new challenges that take me to another level.

ACR: What do you think are the reasons for the recognition you have in this market?
Aury: For my trajectory and experience, and for the management of the Carrier brand in the region.

ACR How do you see the future of this air conditioning industry in Latin America?
Aury: The industry still has many possibilities for growth in Latin America, where the penetration of air conditioning is not at the levels that are presented in the United States. The big difference is purchasing power, which determines what users are willing to buy; in Latin America, users are still looking for economical options to meet a need.

We also see markets where competition is growing every day, where some manufacturers are breaking distribution chains only in order to dominate markets, without taking into account the long-term consequences. We must continue the effort of education and training, respecting the distribution channels, show the benefits that exist in the medium and long term in investing in better efficiency equipment, which also have the support of recognized brands with a solid track record in the market. As for technological advances there is a lot of future in products to improve indoor air quality, the pandemic has taught us the importance of having healthy environments.

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There is also the issue of climate change, a challenge from 2024 for all manufacturers is to produce more efficient equipment that minimizes emissions in the short term, and thus comply with the regulations that come into force.

A professional with other passions
Every professional has a family and home life that complements their work career, which generates an ideal balance. For example, Aury told us that "I have been happily married for 15 years, I have two children: a 12-year-old girl and a 6-year-old boy. I like to go for a run, and other interests I have are decoration, graphic design and art."

About his childhood he said that "it was very special because I enjoyed it to the fullest, it was the times where children went out to play in the street and climbed the trees, almost without electronics."

Aury received his college education in Miami. First a degree in Business Administration with a specialization in International Market and Business from Florida International University and then a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida.

Finally, she shared a brief self-analysis: "What I like most about myself is that when I really want to achieve something I am constant until I reach it; what I like least is that I tend to worry a lot about things."

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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