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ASHRAE World Headquarters Reaches Milestone of Being Fully Net-Zero-Energy

La sede mundial de ASHRAE alcanza totalmente el hito de Net-Zero-Energy

United States. ASHRAE's new world headquarters will operate with Net-Zero-Energy (NZE) performance following the recent installation of a large photovoltaic (PV) system.

"Completing the installation of our PV system marks a tangible milestone for ASHRAE that will demonstrate to others how to successfully move forward on the path to NZE status," said ASHRAE 2021-22 President Mick Schwedler, P.E., ASHRAE Member, LEED AP. "This project is special because it is a testament to ASHRAE's leadership and commitment to sustainability and showcases innovative technology for built environments. We are very proud of this important achievement."

In January 2020, ASHRAE began a $20 million renovation project on its new global headquarters building, located in the popular technology corridor at 180 Technology Parkway, Peachtree Corners, Georgia. Built in 1978, the existing 66,770-square-foot building on 11 acres of land was converted into a demonstration project intended to demonstrate the economic viability of an NZE operation.

"An important part of getting to NZE is the building's low energy consumption (under EUI of 21 kBTU/sf/year), while maintaining excellent ventilation and IAQ," said Ginger Scoggins, P.E. ASHRAE Member, CEM, CxA, ASHRAE Treasurer and former Chair of the ASHRAE Headquarters Building Ad Hoc Committee. "The installation of the photovoltaic panel system is a great example of how to reduce grid energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in an old and existing building to create a sustainable and innovative environment."

- Publicidad -

Completed through Creative Solar USA, the 332kW project was a combination of three subarrays:

- 187kW ballasted roof
- 65 kW floor mount on a south-facing hill adjacent to the building (allowing for a narrower space between rows and therefore a higher energy density)
- 81 kW floor mount located in an unused section of your parking lot

"The goal of the project was to pursue a design that minimized the environmental footprint at the site, while trying to optimize the use of the building's roof and adjacent areas that did not involve land alteration or removal of established trees," said Chris McMahan, commercial project manager.

The total size of the system had to be limited within the maximum limit set by the local electric service provider for customers who wished to interconnect through the monthly compensation program.

Photovoltaic systems like ASHRAE's offer approximately 25 years of performance. The addition of power optimizers, which are small devices that are placed behind the panels and paired with SolarEdge inverters, mitigate the effect of partial shading, increase safety, and allow ASHRAE to monitor the performance of each individual solar panel.

"When you consider the total cost of the system and the poor maintenance associated with it, the levelized cost of energy ends up being four times lower than the utility's retail rate," said Cesar Prieto, director of business development for Creative Solar USA. "This type of investment is not only good for the environment, but the permanent reduction in the electricity bill is also very good for the final result."

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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