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Indoor Air Treatment Tips

Consejos tratamiento del aire interiorLatin America. Sodeca's IAQ division shared a series of recommendations related to the implementation of natural ventilation versus mechanical ventilation, which can be read below:

Natural ventilation can help dissolve indoor pollution, but at the cost of introducing contaminants, without any control. The use of natural ventilation as a preferred method of air treatment inside buildings can:
• Provoke a false sense of security
• Have dire consequences for health in the short/medium term

"The source of pollution can be both indoor and outdoor," says Carlos Martínez, Technician specialized in indoor air quality at Sodeca IAQ, who also warns that "not promoting proper mechanical ventilation and extensive air treatment can have dire consequences for health in the short / medium term." The Ministry of Health has declared, in a document issued on February 9, 2021, natural ventilation as the preferred option to face the pandemic caused by Covid-19. This statement and the actions applied in school environments, according to Martínez, "have provoked in society a false sense of security and the belief that natural air is the best for health."

Indoor air quality
The concept of Indoor Air Quality, CAI (in English, IAQ) refers to the levels of pollutants present in the air inside buildings and aims to establish a direct relationship between these and the health and comfort of society. The source of this contamination can be both indoor and outdoor. To understand how to carry out a correct air treatment, the origin and characteristics of each of these pollutants must first be understood.

- Publicidad -

Daily contact with contaminants
Using natural ventilation to renew the air inside buildings and dilute the pollutants present can lead to the entry of other dangerous pollutants. Large population centres suffer from sometimes very poor outdoor air quality, with high concentrations of pollutants generally associated with transport activities, such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and suspended particles.

Carlos Martínez refers to the INMA Project (Childhood and Environment), which has been monitoring the growth and development of 3,700 children in different parts of Spain for 20 years: "The results show the impact of pollution present in large cities on birth size, development of lung function or cognitive function. Daily contact with these pollutants can cause severe respiratory conditions, headaches and even reduce the lung and cognitive development of children. Likewise, in Europe there are up to three times more deaths related to external pollution than those caused by traffic accidents."

Efficiency and comfort
In addition to the health problems associated with natural ventilation, it is worth noting the negative effect that this has on energy efficiency and thermal comfort inside buildings. Legislation, both European and Spanish, has focused in recent years on the importance of energy efficiency of buildings. Promoting natural ventilation as a preferred option clearly jeopardizes the commitments of the building with energy efficiency.

That is why, it must be ventilated with enough fresh air previously treated and / or directly treat the indoor air. In either case, the path always goes through efficient mechanical ventilation and complete air treatment.

Carlos Martínez, as Technician specialized in indoor air quality of Sodeca IAQ, concludes that "the best possible strategy and, therefore, the preferred option to ensure the highest quality of indoor air is to carry out a correct ventilation with fresh air, correctly filtered and properly disinfected".

Air quality with certified equipment
Every time the equipment that exists in the market for air treatment. However, some of them may not have guarantees that certify their efficacy and safety. The indoor air purification solutions of the Sodeca IAQ division are certified for compliance with the EN 14476 standard and have certifications validated by external laboratories and independent organizations, as well as field tests following standardized methods.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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