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Trane Technologies plans to halve carbon emissions from products by 2030

Trane TechnologiesInternational. Trane Technologies revealed its plans to reduce carbon emissions from its products by nearly 50% by 2030, and that its ambitious emission reduction targets have been validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi).

Halving product emissions over the next decade supports Trane Technologies' 2030 Sustainability Commitments, including its Gigaton Challenge to reduce customer emissions by one billion metric tons. It also supports the Paris Agreement's goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, which will require net-zero global carbon emissions by 2050.

"As climate innovators, we can make a significant contribution to solving climate change," said Mike Lamach, president and CEO of Trane Technologies. "Fifteen percent of the world's carbon emissions come from heating and cooling buildings, and another 10 percent from global food loss. We are transforming our operations and revolutionizing the way the world heats and cools buildings and moves refrigerated products.

"SBTi validation adds third-party credibility to our actions: we have real commitments, based on facts and data, that are externally validated and aligned with climate science. A global response will be needed to address the growing climate emergency. We urge other companies to join us in taking bold steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support them with science-based targets. Our team around the world is working hard every day to fulfill our purpose and pioneer a more sustainable and equitable future."

- Publicidad -

Trane Technologies takes a collaborative approach to sustainability through its Center for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability (CEES) and partnerships with governments, environmental leaders, NGOs and its Sustainability Advisory Council. Andrew Winston, environmental consultant, author of Green to Gold and member of the advisory board added: "Trane Technologies' science-based goals are an important step in the right direction. Companies can play an active role in the fight against climate change if they set goals, and meet them, to reduce emissions at the rapid pace that science demands."

Trane Technologies says it continues to make progress toward its 2030 Sustainability Commitments through actions including:

  • Launch of Sintesis Balance, a zero-emission solution for commercial heating and cooling when combined with renewable energy
  • Transition of 15 manufacturing locations to 100% renewable energy
  • Electrification of Thermo King's sustainable transport temperature control solutions, including the all-electric, emission-free E-200 cooling unit
  • The company is especially proud to be one of 615 companies worldwide with science-based targets and one of 47 companies that SBTi checked its goals twice. Even fewer companies have verified their targets twice at the highest level of ambition, which are commitments that support limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees.

In 2014, the company set ambitious greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets, which were also verified by SBTi. It met all of its sustainability commitments for 2020 two years earlier, including reducing the refrigerant-related GHG footprint of its products by 53%, reducing the GHG footprint of its operations by 45%, and investing more than $500 million in product-related research and development to fund long-term GHG reductions. The company's commitments for 2030 reflect even higher goals for environmental and social sustainability.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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