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Merck Chile invests in air decontamination

Descontaminación del aireChile. The Merck Chile Laboratory has chosen to install air purification systems including the Distribution Center in the industrial sector of Enea, Pudahuel. The systems were the Guardian Air and Caps Mini, manufactured by RGF Environmental, supplied by Oxigena, Dannenge International's business partner in Chile.

Merck is a pharmaceutical and chemical company with 350 years of history in the world, is present in several countries, offering specialized, innovative and high quality products and services in the three global segments: Health Care, Life Science and Performance Materials. In 2017, Merck was recognized as the most sustainable company in the pharmaceutical segment by the Exame Sustainability Guide and also as one of the best companies to work for by the Top Employer institute.

"We supply four units of the Guardian AIR QRP9 to cover the office sector, two CAPS MINI for the bathroom sector, which has no air conditioning system and a Guardian Air QRP14 for the changing room sector on the first floor. In this way, we cover all installations with the RGF photohydroionization air purification system (PHI). We thank our distributor Dannenge International for the partnership in our business", commented Alejandro Rodas and Sebastián Brain, directors of Oxigena.

The solution to maintain indoor air quality, CAPS MINI generates hydrogen peroxide, eliminating 99.9% of the viruses and bacteria that circulate in the air and on surfaces, is portable, and has several filtering options, increasing its effectiveness. It has UL876 and ISO 9001 certifications, is ozone-free and can be used with human presence in the environment, without health risks.

- Publicidad -

Guardian Air, on the other hand, serves HVAC systems through air circulation through ducts. When the system goes live, the PHI cell creates an advanced oxidation process, generating hydrogen peroxide. These oxidants and UV energy kill microbes in the unit and also throughout the environment, and can be installed both in the ducts and in the plenary. Unlike passive air technologies, which require contaminants to pass through the unit for purification or filtration, Guardian Air actively purifies contaminants at the source. All are environmentally friendly oxidants, which are found in the natural process of cleaning the outside air.

In the fight against the pandemic, Dannenge International, representative of RGF Environmental, reinforces the alliance with Oxigena, offering a range of products for air purification with PHI (photo hydro ionization) technology, keeping environments safe, free of viruses and bacteria.

Discover the product range with PHI technology in /

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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