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Positive results stop use of Air purifiers from Sodeca in 25 schools

Purificadores de aire SodecaSpain. Sodeca carried out a satisfaction survey of the educational centers of Ripollès and Osona that received an air purifier last November. A total of 25 schools participated in the assessment questionnaire.

A high percentage of educational centers confirm that since they have the purifier of the brand there has been no postive case of Covid-19. The rest explain that the infections recorded have come from contacts with the outside. Almost all argue that the air purifier has served to prevent contagion or that it will surely have helped, being a complement to the preventive hygienic measures that are applied.

The schools agree that their operation is simple and has allowed them to enjoy a cleaner and drier environment. Most have responded that it becomes a complement to the preventive ventilation that they have to apply in the classrooms. Some centers have also highlighted that with this portable air purifier they have been able to know, thanks to the levels it indicates of load of particles, viruses and bacteria, when it was most necessary to ventilate said space.

As far as the location of the equipment is concerned, most have chosen a fixed classroom, despite and that in some cases the purifier has been placed in a different space each day. One in seven centers has chosen to place it in the dining room, being a space in which different bubble groups coexist.

- Publicidad -

In relation to the time they keep it in operation, all the centers agree that they have it running while there are students in the classroom, dining room or room in general.

Among the main benefits observed:
• More thermal and acoustic comfort, as you don't have to open windows as much
• They have gained in security and tranquility
• The environment is more comfortable, it has been improved in indoor air quality (some centers have highlighted that this improvement was noticeable even wearing a mask)
• In the case of schools with students aged between 0-3 years, they also point out that there have been no infections of other viruses typical of this age group.
• Security in the library and dining room, being spaces where different bubble groups coexist
• It is a good indicator to know when it is necessary to reinforce the ventilation in the space in which it is located

Everyone agrees that they would recommend this air purifying equipment, some center has added that it is useful beyond the pandemic caused by Covid-19.

The main conclusions of this satisfaction study by the schools surveyed is between remarkable and excellent and they value the donation by Sodeca between useful and complementary to the preventive tasks that are carried out in the respective educational centers. Among the main reasons, they state that since they have this equipment in operation (most in a fixed classroom, but also spaces with different bubble groups) there have been no infections within the same center and that it has gained in comfort, safety, tranquility and improvement of air quality. Everyone would recommend the Airdog as a complement in the tasks of prevention of the Covid-19 disease, but also to avoid other types of more common infections, especially among younger children.

Sodeca purifiers have the certification of an external and independent laboratory that recognizes the effectiveness of 100% between 10 and 30 minutes against Mengovirus, a microorganism of the same family to which the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus belongs, which causes the Covid-19 disease. In addition, purifiers help reduce aerobic bacteria and fungi in the environment without generating ozone. Last February the Airdog purifier received other recognitions for the effectiveness and speed of its patented technology (TPA) that has been tested by the prestigious Biology Laboratory of the Democritus University of Thrace, Greece.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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