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Solar energy project advances with 33,000 panels in southern Colombia

Celsia Energía solarColombia. Celsia announced that during the pandemic it continued with the execution of about 50 solar projects of all kinds in the country, complying with all biosecurity protocols. Celsia Solar El Carmelo, is one of the most important photovoltaic generation initiatives that the company is advancing, because in addition to being a project that aims at environmental sustainability is a bet on the economic reactivation of the department, it provided an employment opportunity at the highest peak of its construction to 140 men and women, most local labor.

"All the projects are exciting for us, from the first solar farm we built in Colombia in Yumbo three years ago, a milestone with which photovoltaic generation began to be deployed in the country, to the roofs we developed for different business or residential customers. However, with Celsia Solar El Carmelo we want to tell you that we have an additional pride in what it means in terms of gender equity, generation of local labor and employment opportunity for 140 families in the midst of the global crisis we are experiencing," said Julián Cadavid, leader of Transmission and Distribution of Celsia, Grupo Argos energy company, adding that its execution was also a challenge due to the biosecurity protocols and what the process of contracting and purchasing all the inputs for its execution meant in the midst of the paralysis of many activities and the time of confinement.

For his part, Luis Felipe Vélez, Commercial Leader of Celsia, indicated that as if all this were not enough, this new solar farm will represent greater competitiveness for a company in the region in economic and environmental terms. "Part of the energy generated by the farm will be delivered to the production plant of the Cargill company (formerly Pollos Bucanero), which will not only pay for each kilowatt of solar energy a lower value than conventional energy, but will also contribute to its sustainability indicators and its reputation as a company that works to reduce environmental impacts," added Vélez.

Women within the project
Aura Elena Recalde is part of the team of almost 140 men and women who had the fortune to be employed, in the midst of the pandemic and with all the biosecurity regulations, to participate in the construction of the Celsia Solar El Carmelo farm, which began in March in this corregimiento of the municipality of Candelaria, 13 kilometers east of Cali.

- Publicidad -

The majority of the project workers are residents of the area and 23 per cent are women who perform different tasks; among them, the assembly of modules and the installation of screws and washers for the mooring of the structures on which the more than 33,000 photovoltaic panels that will generate 9.8 MW (Megawatts) are being located, corresponding to the consumption or demand of an average of 12,850 families.

Aura thinks that this work is an opportunity to show that women can perform tasks that have traditionally been men's and has proven that nothing is impossible, because she alternates her work with higher studies, which means a greater effort, since it involves dedicating her hours of rest to receive classes, do work and prepare exams.

Another colleague, Jessica Julieth Bermúdez Rengifo, feels very happy in this activity, because she learns a lot and never imagined this work, she says that "women are boars for work and we comply very well with all the rules. We are united and you can see that if we can meet these challenges."

Celsia Solar El Carmelo, is being built on 13.13 hectares and at the moment is in about 90% of its execution. If everything goes as planned, power generation will begin at the end of 2020.

Each megawatt (MW) installed avoids the emission of 640 tons of CO2 per year, which is equivalent to planting 106,136 trees.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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