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Modular compact chillers

We highlight the advantages offered by this class of solutions for installations that require equipment in minimal spaces.

by Alfredo Sotolongo*

The most economical energy to produce is the one that is saved!

In several previous articles I concentrated on the variable volume application of the three fluids that make up a central air conditioning system: air, water and refrigerant. As I have repeated on many occasions all air conditioning systems operate most of the time at partial loads and therefore, by modulating the fluids using variable frequency drives the efficiency increases considerably.  In the case of air and water,  the frequency inverters that control the motors of the fans of the air handling units and water pumps reduce consumption. of electrical energy exponentially.

- Publicidad -

Today I concentrate on modular compact chillers that take up minimal space, that each module is a complete chiller with all its components and that as the project grows, additional modules are added increasing the capacity of the system. This equipment varies the volume of refrigerant using Turbocor brand compressors manufactured by Danfoss with variable frequency drives and magnetic bearings that do not need lubrication.

Among the main benefits of modular compact chillers are:
a) Their dimensions allow them to pass through most of the door openings of buildings.
b) They avoid the use of cranes as they fit in most elevators.
c) Reduce the initial investment in projects with future growth, since capacity can be increased as needed by adding additional modules.
d) The modules connect to each other easily and quickly.
e) The small refrigerant charge they require, in most cases, complies with ASHRAE 15.
f) The service is simple to run due to the easy access to all components.
g) Extremely low sound levels.

The pioneer in the development of modular compact chillers is Multistack, which has spent many years devoting considerable human and economic resources to developing a team of which they are very proud. Multistack, combining Turbocor compressors with its very own chiller design, has achieved the ideal equipment in efficiency and economy.  

These modular compact chillers developed by Multistack not only enjoy many benefits, but also achieve the optimal return on investment. This result is achieved when you combine initial cost considering the initial thermal loads of the project,  the ease of locating them in the building, the simplicity in the installation and the simplicity of executing the maintenance and service.

For those of us who are concerned about the environment, they use CFC-free refrigerants, HFC-134ª that do not emit gases with Ozone reducing harmful emissions. They could also operate with the new R1234ZE refrigerant with the lowest carbon footprint. By varying the volume of refrigerant combined with the variation of air and water adapting it to the thermal load present at all times, controlled and intertwined by the control system, it results in the ideal combination: energy savings with the lowest possible environmental pollution.

Already many consulting engineers are designing their air conditioning systems using modular compact chillers for the advantages they offer. The benefits that these equipment represent for the user are substantial, especially in projects with space limitations, possible future expansions or remodeling.

If you need more information on any of the topics covered in this column, please contact me at the mail: [email protected]

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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