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Unnecessary service calls

altSometimes the problems presented by HVAC systems can be identified by following a few simple steps. Below you will find a list of suggestions. by Lennox

When cost is a concern and energy consumption is high, you usually move on to preventive maintenance in order to take advantage and maximize efficiency over the life of your HVAC system. Scheduling preventive maintenance work regularly can save your company money by preventing downtime costs for your business, such as sacrificing sales due to uncomfortable temperatures. In addition, work can be done while contractors are already on their workdays, which is usually less expensive than making an emergency call for repair. Like most mechanical equipment, air conditioning systems require routine maintenance so that they can continue to operate at optimal levels. Investing in preventive maintenance services for your equipment will help you save money, ensuring everything is running efficiently and using less energy. As we move forward on hot summer days during the high-temperature season, taking the time to perform basic maintenance means going a long way in maximizing heating production and overall system efficiency. Preventive maintenance measures
These recommendations are simple and you can do them yourself, which saves you from having to make external maintenance requests when cases are not necessary. - Choose products that make your HVAC system perform good service, such as hinged doors, smart controller units, and easy-to-change filters.
- Report any abnormal noise or strange smells.
- Invest in a high-efficiency HVAC system.
- Choose HVAC products with smart unit controllers that help facilitate installation and commissioning to minimize energy consumption and maximize long-term performance. Preventive maintenance
On many occasions companies do not know the professionals specialized in executing maintenance tasks, which later mean many more costs in the repair or new acquisition of air conditioning equipment. Currently there are companies that provide maintenance services with which you can better advise on the subject and receive a quality and competent service. Here are some topics that the service technician should do during the visit: - Inspect the base tray to restrict drainage opening and remove clogs, if necessary.
- Inspect and clean the coil of the unit and cabinet.
- Inspect the blades and fan motor for use and wear, lubricate it if necessary.
- Inspect the compressor and wear tube.
- Check that the control box, accessories and connection cables have not been damaged.
- Inspect and clean the fan assembly, including the motor and ventilation wheel.
- Inspect the heat exchanger and heating elements to ensure everything is working properly.
- Inspect the ignition system and burner assembly.
- Monitor your system to maintain a correct line and volt/amp load.
- Submit a system operation report, recommending necessary repairs or replacements. These types of recommendations will be useful so that you can diagnose more severe damage yourself which must be resolved by experts in the field of maintenance; this will give you guidelines to identify that it is not always necessary to make "emergency calls" for the repair of HVAC systems when the problems the equipment has are maintenance and not complex operation.

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