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New LEED Guidance to Address COVID-19 and Support Buildings with Reopening Strategies

International. The US Green Building Council (USGBC) has launched four new Safety First pilot credits in response to covid-19 disease. Credits describe sustainable best practices that align with public health and industry guidelines related to cleaning and disinfection, workplace relocation, HVAC, and plumbing operations. Credits can be used for LEED projects that are certified or in the process of certification.

Safety First credits are part of the USGBC's economic recovery strategy launched last month, which focuses on sustainable solutions to rebuild a stronger, healthier economy by prioritizing healthy people in healthy places. The credits were created in direct response to COVID-19 and focus on the safety of those working in a building. These credits are available for all LEED 2009, LEED v4 and LEED v4.1 projects.

"These new loans are a first step in helping the construction and building industry demonstrate its commitment to sustainable strategies as part of building a healthier and more resilient future," said Mahesh Ramanujam, president and CEO of USGBC. "Supporting environmental and occupant health is a critical part of supporting community health and, as we look to the future, we know that LEED and the USGBC community will play a role in delivering solutions that better lay a foundation for our economic and environmental well-being."

- Safety First: Clean and Disinfect Your Space Credit requires facilities to create a policy and implement procedures that follow green cleaning best practices that support a healthy indoor environment and worker safety. Unlike the need to develop new vaccines and medical treatments for COVID-19, current disinfectants and cleaning processes are effective against the coronavirus, and there are sustainable options. In addition to product considerations, credit also requires procedures and training for cleaning staff, occupant education, and other services that are under the control of a management team.

- Publicidad -

- Safety first: Credit re-entering your workspace is a tool for assessing and planning for re-entry, as well as measuring progress once a space is occupied. Identifies sustainable requirements in construction operations and human behavior that take precautions against the spread of COVID-19. It aligns with the American Institute of Architects' (AIA) reoccupation assessment tool and requires transparent reporting and decision evaluations to encourage continuous improvement.

- Safety first: the building water system commissioning credit helps building teams reduce the risk of occupants being exposed to degraded water quality. Building and business closures for weeks or months reduce the use of water that can potentially lead to standing water and water that is not safe to drink or use. The credit integrates recommendations from industry organizations and experts, including the U.S. EPA and CDC. It requires buildings to develop and implement a water management plan, coordinate with local water and public health authorities, communicate water system activities and associated risks to building occupants, and take steps to address the water quality of the community supply as well as the building.

- Safety comes first: managing indoor air quality during COVID-19. The credit is based on existing indoor air quality requirements and credits at LEED. Construction teams must ensure that indoor air quality systems work as designed and determine temporary adjustments to ventilation that can minimize the spread of COVID-19 through the air. Additional considerations include increasing ventilation and air filtration, physical distancing of occupants, and the following measures outlined in industry and public health resources, as well as guidance found in the Re-Enter Your Workspace credit. The guidance also encourages monitoring and evaluating indoor air quality on an ongoing basis.

These credits are based on current and known information. USGBC will refine its recommendations and is seeking feedback on the new credits.

In addition to these new LEED pilot credits, projects can also leverage Arc Re-entry, a set of resources that was launched to help facility teams assess and communicate recovery efforts, as well as the WELL Health-Safety rating. GBCI will provide third-party certification support for the WELL Health-Safety qualification.

Source: USGBC.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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