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Bitzer inaugurates new headquarters

International. Bitzer has two reasons to celebrate: the long-standing machine manufacturer turns 85 and opens its new headquarters in Sindelfingen, the region's tallest building at 75 meters.

An official opening ceremony was recently held for the new building located at Peter-Schaufler-Platz 1 in Sindelfingen, Germany. Christiane Schaufler-Münch (Chair of the Oversight Board of Bitzer SE and the Board of Trustees of The Schaufler Foundation) cut the ribbon. An internal employee party was subsequently held  for the Sindelfingen and Rottenburg headquarters to celebrate the move to the new office building with an open plan.

The new headquarters offers around 20,000 square meters of space for up to 500 modern workplaces. The structure of the communicative office is a mixture of open spaces and closed offices of team and administration. The refrigeration, air conditioning and heating technology specialist is renting six floors of offices and using the other nine floors.

Aachen-based architecture firm kadawittfeldarchitektur built the building, which is based on the central idea of a vertical campus. The skyscraper is built on a two-story base, housing central areas such as the reception, employee restaurant, and meeting rooms. Located right next to the reception, the spacious Bitzer Showroom showcases the company's history, its long-standing present and future vision using a variety of media. Here, visitors can take guided tours and get acquainted with the products, their applications and other services in a practical and digital format.

- Publicidad -

The cooling and ventilation stations are located on the second floor of the basement. Three central cooling systems, each with a different compressor technology (reciprocating, screw and displacement compressors) are positioned in such a way as to give specialist visitors easy access for viewing purposes.

"The new headquarters indicates that the company established in 1934 remains visibly and firmly committed to its original site in Sindelfingen. IT Bitzer was established as a one-on-one workshop in Sindelfingen 85 years ago. This is where we belong. We stay true to our roots. That's what Peter Schaufler and the entire Bitzer Group wanted," says Christian Wehrle, Chief Operating Officer and member of Bitzer's Board of Directors.

The new building is part of the legacy left by Senator h.C. Peter Schaufler, who was CEO and owner of Bitzer's company for many decades. The company's employees who work there will continue the work of Peter Schaufler.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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