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Energy efficiency in modern stadiums with ABB technology

International. The refurbishment of the Esatio Luzhniki, located in Russia, for the last World Cup, included ABB's KNX i-bus system. While controlling the lighting of the entire stadium, the system uses energy-saving algorithms that assess the time of day, natural light and the total load on the power grid. In this way, considerable energy savings are achieved and the way to an environmentally friendly future is prepared.

In Norway, the roof of the Odd football team's stadium, the Skagerak Arena (Photo), in Skien, features 5,700 square meters of solar modules with a nominal potential of 800 kWp. ABB has facilitated the storage of energy in batteries and the energy management system, which ensure the maximum use of renewable energy, even when there is little light.

The photovoltaic system not only powers the spotlights that illuminate the team's home games, but also supplies the neighborhood with locally produced electricity. In addition, ABB's technology is perfectly in line with the Odd club's purpose of being the greenest football team in Europe and with the aim of Skagerak Energi, the club's main partner in this field, to create an energy laboratory.

On the other hand, ABB's technology is also used in the Tissot Arena, which has the largest solar power plant present in any stadium in the world. The stadium is located in the Swiss town of Biel. This huge sports complex features an added roof that features a space of about 16,500 square meters for solar modules, the equivalent of two football fields. In addition, this project serves as a model to show the use of solar energy throughout Switzerland. The plant's annual energy production is equivalent to the consumption of about 500 average households in Switzerland.

- Publicidad -

ABB's energy management technology, which includes modular AirTuk switchgear and switchboards, has helped India's Ekana international cricket stadium and sports complex once again host international matches after a two-decade interval. In South Asia the love for cricket is enormous. It is a sport that uses energy-intensive technologies to make refereeing decisions by providing real-time data obtained with cameras on the field, huge screens distributed throughout the stadium and strategically placed sensors. ABB's energy management technology enables operators to maintain a continuous and reliable energy supply while ensuring greater energy savings in matches.

ABB has also helped create a "smart" football stadium for FK Austria Vienna. The Generali Arena has embraced the latest in smart building technology and energy efficient distribution. The brand has supplied several elements, including the KNX system, thanks to which it is possible to network all the lighting, shadows, heating, air conditioning and ventilation components of the stadium, which guarantees maximum energy savings.

In addition, the company has also provided dry-type transformers, which meet the latest energy efficiency standards in the European Union. Instead of oil, these transformers use a resin encapsulation technology developed by ABB. The brand's smart solutions are helping the Generali Arena become Austria's first sustainable football stadium.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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