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Daikin develops new roof air conditioning system

International. Daikin introduced Rebel Applied, a ceiling HVAC system that meets the ASHRAE standard for performance in airflow design. The system also features a high-efficiency motor, compressor and other components. And it's small, lightweight, and highly customizable, making Rebel Applied ideal for building modernization and providing superior comfort, indoor air quality (IAQ), and energy savings.

"We know that one size fits all doesn't work with modifications," said Kirk Thorne, executive vice president of Daikin Applied. "Engineers and contractors must be able to design around their exact application, but roof systems with the necessary configurability have been limited. Rebel Applied fills that gap while setting a new benchmark for performance."

Rebel Applied is a package-type roof system that achieves an ASHRAE Standard 111 Class 6 air leakage rate at +/- 6 inches or 0.5 percent in the design airflow. Through a defined test procedure, the standard validates the effectiveness of the unit housing, ensuring that it is built to minimize energy use and operate as directed. To further increase efficiency, Rebel Applied is designed to eliminate energy-stealing direct driving routes. it also far exceeds the requirements of the U.S. Department of Energy through 2023, with an EER above 11.0 and an integrated EER (IEER) of up to 17.0.

Another key feature is Rebel Applied's compact footprint. In addition, it has a base channel that adapts to different types of curbs that connect the RTUs to the duct and electrical systems. As a result, it eliminates the need for a transition curb, which inflates installation time and costs, when replacing most existing units.

- Publicidad -

Rebel Applied also puts control and thermal comfort directly in the hands of building managers. With high-efficiency direct expansion cooling technology combined with a flexible air handling housing that includes heating and IAQ controls, users get the benefits of a packaged unit with the flexibility to customize efficiency and filtration settings, For example.

"Delivering efficiency and design, and maintaining the flexibility that contractors and operations staff have come to rely on, that was the focus of our development efforts," said Matt Dodds, product manager for Applied Air Handlers. "Rebel technologies have broken new ground since we introduced premium high-IEER units to the rooftop market in 2012. We are changing the landscape again with this next generation."

Daikin Applied will build the equipment at a new manufacturing plant in southern Minnesota, scheduled to begin production this month. Designed specifically to support Rebel Applied, the Custom Manufacturing Factory is a center of manufacturing excellence with advanced manufacturing and automation technologies to optimize production quality. The facility will significantly expand the company's manufacturing capacity in the United States.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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