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Daikin Opens New Training Center

Brazil. Daikin recently opened its Training Center in Brazil, located in the city of São Paulo. Nearly 100 guests were present at the event, including installers, distributors, maintainers and end users.

The event was also attended by Tomoji Miki, president of Daikin Brazil; Yoshihiro Mineno, senior managing director of the global operations division; Genivaldo Rosa, training manager at the Daikin Training Center; of managers and executives of the company.

It is the 30th Daikin Training Center, built in the neighborhood of Barra Funda, with 2,100 m2 of built area, dedicated to technical and commercial training. The space was developed to receive around 160 students a day, every day, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

The Training Center, which has 8 qualified teachers, is composed of three floors, divided into laboratories for product training, from residential equipment to large equipment such as Chillers, Splits, Multi Splits, Sky Air and VRV Fit. / Inova and Twin Sky; Services and Space Welding; 4 classrooms with capacity for 160 people; Space Automation with training aimed at IoT (Internet of Things), integrated into public services such as lighting and air conditioning; as well as a library.

- Publicidad -

For Tomoji Miki, president of Daikin do Brasil, the Training Center in Brazil is a great milestone for Daikin and expresses the desire for a change in the market. "In Brazil, people still can't understand the advantages of buying good quality products. We want to raise the bar, ensure that air conditioning systems have maximum efficiency and quality, feed engineering teams with the most modern, share learning about our advanced technologies and teach how to use and extract maximum comfort from our entire product line. As daikin manufacturers we can promote this paradigm shift. In this context, installers have an important role to play in promoting these changes by releasing the tools to achieve a high-quality installation. I understand that this is the occasion for us to convey this. Another difference is that we will allow professionals to operate with equipment that uses R32 refrigerant, emphasizing the difference in use of this fluid, not only in the theoretical part, but especially in the practical part. We have also brought the cold joining process for pipes, and we believe that through this process we will maintain a standard of installation quality of our products, as the kits will come pre-assembled, promoting better technical skill."

Yoshihiro Mineno, Senior Executive Director of the Global Operations Division, highlighted the incorporation of professional skills to the market, the reinforcement of the brand and the creation of opportunities for new technical knowledge for installers. "With investments of 2 million dollars, we hope to train more than 3,000 people a year, counting on the partnership we have with the Senai Oscar Rodrigues Alves School. From 2021, we will offer compact equipment with R32 refrigerant. For this reason, until 2021 we will train these technicians so that they can exchange fluids in the machines. I also highlight our Daikin-patented PPM connection training center, which does not require fire to weld copper pipe connections, which facilitates and reduces working time, and therefore the cost of labor."

Life experiences and building new businesses with the market, bringing together installers, distributors and associations, will be challenges of the Daikin Training Center, said Genivaldo Rosa, training manager of Daikin Brazil. "This is the 30th country that hosts a Training Center. In this space, we will teach fundamentals courses in air conditioning and refrigeration for those who are starting the practical courses that aim at good engineering practices with maximum comfort and efficiency; in addition to the technical training for the installation and maintenance of the entire Daikin line, which consists of chillers, 18 splits, 12 multi splits and 8 VRVs, all integrated with state-of-the-art automated panels."

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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  1. Francisco Alejandro Águilar Gonzalez
    Tuesday, 23 August 2022 20:37
    Busco cursos que me ayuden a poder realizar mantenimientos y fallas

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