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More than 57,000 visitors in the last edition of Expoconstrucción and Expodiseño

Colombia. With the participation of more than 500 exhibitors, the most recent edition of  Expoconstrucción y Expodiseño, the fair specialized in construction, design and architecture in Colombia and Latin America, ended.

Some companies in the air conditioning, refrigeration and heating sector, as well as water treatment, participated in this edition of the event.

"Expoconstrucción and Expodiseño edition after edition is consolidated as one of the most important platforms in the region for the projection and growth of the industry. In this space, business was carried out in the short, medium and long term thanks to the presence of important companies in the sector, which allowed visitors to know first-hand the trends that are being handled in the market. This demonstrates the strength of a sector that remains committed to the generation of employment and the economic and social growth of the country," said Sandra Forero, Executive President of Camacol.

Sustainable paint from icopor waste, eco-friendly high-strength PVC pipes, security doors with biometric reader, smart glass that replaces blinds or curtains, 3D printing on ceramics, construction of sports fields and industry 4.0 applied in construction, were some of the innovations that could be seen in this edition.

- Publicidad -

"When we decided to participate in Expoconstrucción and Expodiseño, we decided to do it with the best. Thus, we brought from Europe the most innovative grass fibers for sports fields, we manage a wide variety of lawns that adapt to different sports activities, they have biomechanical properties and technology that creates safe surfaces and comfortable playing fields. During the fair we had a very good reception from the attendees, they asked us about the versatility of our product and its innovation, they were surprised to know that we designed and installed the fibers for the Moscow Luzhniki Olympic Stadium, where the World Cup in Russia was inaugurated, " said Fernando Romero, commercial representative of SIS & Realturf.

The fair also featured the latest trends in architectural finishes for the different spaces. Ceramics for floors and walls, taps, locks, hardware, profiles, sanitary porcelain, color preferences (for different surfaces), among others, were the protagonists for those who were looking for ideas to renovate the most important spaces of their homes.

For Silvia Vélez, Coordinator of Madecentro, "Colombians always want to renovate some space of our home, be at the forefront of what we see in magazines, the internet or in television programs focused on home improvements. Thus, Expoconstrucción y Expodiseño allows people who are interested in doing a remodeling to know first-hand the innovations, trends and developments that allow to satisfy the needs and tastes of each person; for us as a company it is very important to participate in a scenario like this because we can offer visitors the solutions for their homes in a practical way and according to what is being handled in the market".

Additionally and as part of the great commitment to turn Colombia into the Hub of the industry, during the fair the International Urban Development Forum was held, which had the participation as speakers of Rahul Mehrotra (India), Salvador García (Mexico) and Alejandro Aravena (Chile), the latter winner in 2016 of the Pritzker Prize. They gave their expert vision on the urbanization processes and the role of the construction sector; in addition to showing the examples of the urban development processes that have taken place in each of its countries and development worldwide.

"One of the right design conditions is the balance between private and public. People are and live better inside cities than outside them, as they can more easily access opportunities and are "powerful vehicles of wealth creation," said Alejandro Aravena.

Also during the  framework of the fair, the Innovation Challenges were presented, where the research groups of the academy presented the proposals for innovative solutions to difficulties that the construction sector presents today.

"On this occasion we wanted to create and develop an academic agenda that will address the different issues that are booming in the conversations of the sector. We started with the International Forum, where we were able to bring in international speakers considered by industry and academia to be the best in their fields. Likewise, with the National University we developed a series of spaces where visitors could update themselves and learn from the new technologies that are revolutionizing the sector such as BIM, Edge Certification, drones in constructions, among others. And finally, we had our experiential tent with Building Skills where after three days of competition, and after demonstrating their skills and abilities in four processes that are part of the construction of a building, we rewarded the workers who stood out, "explained Martha Moreno Mesa, manager of Camacol Bogotá and Cundinamarca.

- Publicidad -

"For the International Business and Exhibition Center of Bogotá (Corferias), holding the biennial Expoconstrucción and Expodiseño, is a great bet to bring together in one  place the value chain of the industry. Our goal will always be to promote and strengthen the construction, architecture, infrastructure and design sectors; this is how we developed different spaces so that our visiting public could find ideal solutions for their concerns related to the industry", concluded Lilian Conde, project manager of Corferias.

The next version of Expoconstrucción and Expodiseño will be held in 2021.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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