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Mexico's commitment to solar energy grows

Mexico. This nation is one of the few that has a high potential in terms of solar energy, not for that reason several countries are trying to open offices throughout the Mexican territory to promote and provide this service to the whole country, however, although it seems a great opportunity it is necessary that the Government pay attention and promote the photovoltaic industry to national level.

"Mexico is living in a time of transition due to the change of government and the volatile global economic environment; therefore, it is necessary to boost the economy to strengthen the country and a business in constant growth, not only local but worldwide, is the energy sector" explained Orlando Anuar Aguirre Rincon, Manager of Solarever, a Mexican company specialized in producing solar panels in Tepeji del Río, Hidalgo.

More and more electronic items that we use in daily life increase our consumption, but something that is even more worrying is the gradual increase that electrical energy generates year after year, without forgetting, the pollution that is  emitted in its production, actions that can be reduced by combining both electric energy services and the use of solar panels. It should be noted that to date, Solarever has generated an approximate of 600 MegaWatts of operating capacity that have been sold nationally and internationally, which is equivalent to a saving of 450 tons of CO2 saved per hour of operation, this is equivalent to traveling 75 times the world in a car, that is why we want to continue promoting this energy because if we increase this percentage, we will have more benefits for the country and the planet itself," said Orlando Aguirre.

The effects that human activity has generated for centuries begin to be reflected in our climate, flora and fauna; in such a way that hope is being placed in the renewable energy sector, and the most relevant in recent years for its innovation is photovoltaic energy. Proof of this growth can be seen by paying attention to the largest consumers of electricity in the world, such as China, a country that leads in the production of photovoltaic energy today.

- Publicidad -

It should be noted that China proposed the commitment to have a photovoltaic capacity of 250 GigaWatts (GW) by 2022, not being the only country focused on increasing its energy production by these means, followed by the United States of America with a capacity of 60 GW, Japan with 48 GW and Germany with 42 GW. However, Mexico has a capacity of 0.5 GW, which may not seem an overwhelming number, but bearing in mind that Mexico consumes only 4.5% of the energy consumed by China, it begins to have a relevant value. And this coupled with the growth that has occurred in the photovoltaic sector in the countries that lead the production capacity, so it sounds like a good idea to bet on an industry that brings great advantages to the country and the environment.

"If we manage to boost micro, medium and large Mexican companies dedicated to business, we could cover a large part of the country's demand in a couple of years, it seems a rather ambitious and difficult challenge to achieve but it is not so, we just need to stop to think that 8 years ago China had less capacity than it currently has Mé xico" concluded the CEO of Grupo Solarever. Eng. Simon Zhao.

Solarever is betting on the solar industry in Mexico for 7 years and proof of this is its constant investment to expand its production of solar panels in plant and its next solar energy research and development laboratory in the country  "we hope that in the near future we can depend less on fossil fuels and thus provide a future with better conditions for the next generations," concluded Simon Zhao, CEO of Solarever.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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