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Victaulic shares its recommendations on slotted piping systems

International. In Colombia during the month of January there was seismic activity resulting in three slight tremors that caused citizens to question whether the structures where they live or work are in optimal condition and are safe.

It is not a secret to know that in the capital of the country the terrain of the city has some faults due to the humidity that occurs in them. For this reason, specific design conditions are needed for the piping systems used in these buildings that must have sufficient details and components to withstand higher-level seismic events. Surely you until today had thought about the evacuation route, the emergency kit, to see if the columns are in optimal condition but never in the pipes of the place where you live or work. Well, I knew that if the piping systems are not well designed and movements due to earthquakes, breakages or damage to the components of the pipe system are not contemplated, the cost of repairs will increase in addition to becoming a great  danger during an evacuation.

Julian Gallon, specialist in HVAC, oil and gas applications of Victaulic Company for Colombia has some alternatives that can be implemented since fortunately in the market there are solutions for the coupling of pipes capable of offering flexibility to accommodate seismic movements of great magnitude preventing damage and leakage of the liquids they transport. It is the piping system with grooved ends that implements a selection of rigid or flexible couplings  available in a variety of diameters for a diverse range of applications such as the transport of ice water in HVAC systems (heating ventilation and air conditioning), fire protection systems, sludge water in wastewater treatment plants or water used in the energy sector. "Seismic movement in a slotted pipe system can be controlled using an assembly composed of flexible couplings, grooved 90-degree elbows, and slotted pipe segments that provide flexibility for the expansion, contraction and deflection of pipes caused by seismic movement," Gallon said. Rigid slotted couplings can be used in sections of pipes that will be fixed to the structure of the building and are designed to keep the ends of the pipes fixed and straight.

Example of the use of rigid and flexible slotted joints
Victaulic, a manufacturer of mechanical pipe groove joints, has subjected pipe assemblies using its solutions and under operating pressures of 200 psi to seismic simulations. In 2008, the ATLSS laboratory (a member of the Earthquake Engineering Simulation Network) at Lehigh University in Bethlehem Pennsylvania and Victaulic exhibited pipes joined with slotted products. Several tests were performed including displacement tests on the pipe system up to +/- 4 inches (102 mm) in the X and Y directions, sinusoidal tests operating in the frequency range from 1.3 Hz to 33 Hz, and at the end a simulation of the Northridge California earthquake that occurred in 1994 was performed. The test results concluded that there were no pressure losses or water leaks. The result has been favorable in the different diameters in which they are manufactured (from 3/4 of an inch to 78 inches).

- Publicidad -

Anti-Seismic Tests for Slotted Joints
 Anti-seismic assemblies for slotted pipe systems are ideal to resist movements due to earthquakes in projects built on wet and muddy terrain such as Mexico City and Bogotá for their ability to offer rigid or flexible joints. Victaulic slotted couplings can be delivered pre-assembled and feature Installation-Ready™ technology that allows installation without the need to disassemble  the joint during installation and eliminating welded joints in the field. This technology reduces installation steps by limiting potential errors, increasing safety, and saving time during piping system installation. This represents an additional benefit for those who implement these solutions.

Anti-seismic assembly using flexible couplings
Gallon also says that Victaulic not only has piping solutions for commercial applications, air conditioning or fire protection, it also has solutions for oil and gas, chemical, mining, power generation, water and wastewater and marine water treatment applications. In Colombia, these solutions have  been implemented in projects  such as the El Dorado International Airport, Celsia, the Titan Plaza Shopping Center, and two very special infrastructures: the Serena del Mar Thermal District in Cartagena and the Atrio Tower in Bogotá, which are the tallest towers in the country.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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