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Abrava creates area specialized in automotive and agricultural air conditioning

Brazil. ABRAVA (Brazilian Association of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Ventilation, Heating) announced the expansion of its scope of action by creating the National Department of Automotive and Agricultural Air Conditioning.

The objective of the group is to fill a gap for the sector in Brazil with a focus on standardization, market data, taxation, labor training, quality and guarantee of parts and services, among other issues to be discussed by professionals acting in this market.

According to the first president-elect for the management of the National Department, Sérgio Eugênio, mechanical engineer and director of the Super Air, "It is a satisfaction to be in ABRAVA. No one better could give us this support and infrastructure, with all their know-how to do this, bringing benefits to small, medium and large companies in the sector. We could not be left without representativeness in the national market, where all the major players in the system operate with a factory in Brazil. Not to mention the enormous number of workshops and specialized technical centers in the country, where it lacks specialized technical information for the maintenance and conservation of equipment."

The first management of the Department was in charge of Sérgio Eugênio Silva as president and Carlos D.Mioraes, Flavio L.Vasconcelos, Jonathan Dumke, Marco A.Peruccido and the vice president of Environment of ABRAVA, Paulo Neulaender, as members of its board.

- Publicidad -

Several meetings were held until the definition of the scope to be treated for the DN of Automotive and Agricultural Air Conditioning and its official creation in compliance with the Compliance of the Association. In the agenda of actions, various issues related to the sector such as standardization for cleaning and hygiene of vehicular air conditioning and on wheels; quality and guarantee of parts and services; participation in Febrava 2019; development of courses for the training of the workforce; matters relating to tax rates and tax classification; certification of workshops and labor, marketing profile of the sector; among other matters of interest to the sector.

In the process of forming the National Department, it was identified that some of the associated companies have the profile of action in the DN segment, such as Armacell, Bitzer, Chemours Danfoss, EBM-Papst, K11 and Motorpool. The affiliations to the DN have already begun and so far are confirmed: ACA, Auto Aire, Car Fresh, Frío, Machado, Royce, Super Aire, S-Tech Auto, Team Systems and Thermoklima. In the approval phase are Denso, Italytec, Mahle and Samatec.

Among the topics already covered is the technical standard of ABNT – NBR 15629 of 2017, in addition to the standards related to parts SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers - EUA) J639, SAE J2064, SAE J3062, ISO 14269, ABNT 15681, ABNT 15759. It was agreed that it was necessary to collect data and information from legislation in force in any nation so that they can serve as beacons, in order to elaborate a technical standard. The initiative has the support of abrava's Vice President of the Environment and SINDIREPA - Union of the Vehicle Repair and Accessories Industry of the State of São Paulo.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

2 thoughts on “Abrava creates area specialized in automotive and agricultural air conditioning”

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  1. Jose Santos
    Thursday, 02 September 2021 15:41
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    Muchas Gracias
    Jose Santos

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