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Dakin launched new line of chillers with R32 for the European market

Europe. Daikin Europe launched a new series of high-efficiency chillers with R-32 refrigerant for the market in that region. This new range will be available in the modalities only cold and heat recovery, with capacities from 80 kW to 700 Kw.

The company indicated that compared to previous series, which used the refrigerant R-410A, the seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) improves by 10%, which means that this new generation of chillers broadly complies with all the efficiency requirements imposed by current European legislation (Ecodesign Lot21).

In 2012, Daikin was the first company in the world to introduce R-32 in domestic air conditioning equipment and today, it already has a complete range of equipment with this refrigerant. By December 2017, Daikin had already sold approximately 12 million units with R-32s in more than 50 countries. In addition, the fact that Daikin manufactures both air conditioning equipment and refrigerants means that the development of both products evolves in parallel and adapts perfectly.

Equipment with R-32 has a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 675 and minimizes the environmental impact of chillers with scroll compressors, thanks to this GWP in combination with high energy efficiency.

- Publicidad -

Thanks to its low flammability index (R-32 refrigerant belongs to the A2L category according to ISO817) it can be safely used in different applications, especially in refrigerated water systems installed outdoors. As a single-component refrigerant, R-32 is also easier to recycle and reuse, another environmental advantage over other alternatives.

Also highlight the great economic benefit of this new range of chillers with R-32 refrigerant compared to the current R-410A, due to the sharp escalation in the price of R410A refrigerant, over 400% in just one year, and which greatly reduces the maintenance costs of this type of equipment.

The new Daikin series of chillers is available with two efficiency versions (Silver and Gold) and will be compatible with three sound configurations (standard, low and extra low sound level), allowing complete customization depending on the specific requirements of the project. There is a wide list of options and accessories to incorporate on request, such as the fully integrated hydronic kit, for operation with constant flow or variable flow, partial or total heat recovery for the production of domestic hot water and many other solutions.

In terms of connectivity, this new series is fully compatible with the Daikin on Site platform, which offers a number of advanced functionalities such as remote monitoring, system optimization and preventive maintenance. In addition, it includes the Master/Slave option that allows the management and sequencing of up to 4 units in the same system without the need for external control devices.

For more complex installations (e.g. larger number of units, peripheral control, etc.), Daikin can offer the Intelligent Chiller Manager option, which allows the energy optimization of the system and, when necessary, the complete customization of control solutions.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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